Monique's Tarot Podcast

Divine New Year Messages ✨️ Dec 31 - Jan 6

Monique's Tarot 🦋 Season 3 Episode 37

Send Monique a Message

As we turn the page to 2024, I invite you to clear the slate with the sacred smoke of Palo Santo and open your heart to wisdom that awaits us in this year of transformation.  Our latest episode is a tapestry of spiritual guidance, affirmations, and tarot wisdom that promises to guide you through a journey of self-discovery and renewal. Are you ready to embrace the cocooning phase before emerging into your power? 

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Welcome to Monique's Tarot Podcast a place where we celebrate the light, abundance, and expansive energy you bring to this world. If today's reading has served you please subscribe and share with your community.

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Monique is a lifetime vivid lucid dream who has embraced the self-recognition of her spiritual awakening, spiritual expansion, and metaphysical connections. Through the calling and discovery of unlocking hidden spiritual gifts within her family history, she seeks to support others in their spiritual connection, self-awareness, and shared purpose in this lifetime.

Monique's Tarot 🦋

Speaker 2:

Hello, butterflies, hello, hello. Happy New Year, butterflies, and welcome to Monique's Tarot. How are you, butterflies, to get things started in coming into 2024, let's first burn a bit of Palo Santo, welcoming in those messages from the spiritual guides and also clearing out that energy that no longer serves us. As always, butterflies, it is such an honor to come back to you renewed and rested with new messages from the spiritual guides and ancestors for this upcoming week. I hope that you all have had a wonderful holiday break and opportunity to really connect with those loved ones. Center yourself, welcome in the winter solstice that we just had on December 21st, and also just that opportunity to really understand all the learnings and seasons that you've had in this previous year. Now, as we look into this new year, there are so many energies and messages that come from the spiritual guides. This is such a charged time coming off of the holidays, so allow yourself to settle into that.

Speaker 2:

For myself personally, I'm coming into this year with ease. At the end of the year, I actually needed to take some much needed rest for myself. I needed to physically let my body recoup, and in doing that, I am not used to sitting. Still, I'm not used to sitting in one place. So for me to actually practice that and I actually have to practice that over the next couple of weeks it's a challenge for me. So ask yourself, butterflies, what are those things that are maybe challenges for you that would actually be good for you? Maybe that's how you talk to other people, how you connect, how you manage your time, how you challenge yourself, whatever it may be. Allow yourself to come into this winter season, come into this new year and really allow yourself to embrace all those different parts and aspects of you that really need some nurturing and love during this time. With that butterflies, let's get into a guided message from the spiritual guides Calling in messages from the spiritual guides for the week ahead, calling in messages from the spiritual guides for the week ahead coming into 2024.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I see we have some dual energies that the spiritual guides are bringing in here. We have two butterflies. So the first thoughts that come to mind are that Gemini energy or even, like, pisces energy, there's something here about this energy of these two butterflies bringing in that reminder of Gemini energy, so more energetic, more witty, kind of more intellectual. But also with Pisces energy, there's a certain emotion that's coming in here at the top of the year and Pisces has the two fish. That also has that duality, and so with these two butterflies it's almost like they're leading one another, as if you have two energies that are taking turns, like one butterfly goes before the other and then they switch, maybe when the other one gets a little bit more tired or they need some rest, or the other one just wants to feed off of the guidance of the other, and then maybe the other one has more expertise. So for some of you, there could be people in your family, family members, friends, folks in community where there's this energy of maybe you're switching places, or even within your own relationships where you're just learning how to guide one another. You're not doing all of the leading and they're not doing all of the leading, but you're seeing the strengths that each one has.

Speaker 2:

Your butterfly affirmation here reads letting go creates space for me to receive. Letting go creates space for me to receive Such a beautiful energy at the top of the year, especially when sometimes we kind of bring a few things into the new year from last year, which is good. You want to carry forward that energy and momentum, but at the same time there are some things that just need to be left where they were. So allow yourself, butterflies, to really let go and create space for you to receive, to receive the new, to receive the new messages, to also to receive, maybe, some tweaks and ways of bringing about new energy to what's already there in your life. Let's bring in some elemental oracle energies here, butterflies, those earthly energies Calling in messages from the spiritual guys for the week ahead, the top of 2024. So I'm seeing depth and lake here. The number on here is 31. So there's a certain stability and structure that some of you are being led into, which is wonderful to see here at the top of the year. We all want that stability, we all want that structure, and you can see here that there's a woman who's actually floating below in the lake. This always brings this mothering feminine energy and to have this mothering feminine energy, almost as if some of you are in a place of preparation.

Speaker 2:

The winter season is a time of cocooning, although it is calf or corn season right now. It's also to remember important to remember that within the winter, most of the animals are hibernating. The sun definitely stays away a little bit longer, so the days are darker. So there's a requirement here to really listen to the cocoon of your body, to allow it to reset. But you can see, right above her, within this lake, there's a castle, and this castle is almost like the fortress that she's preparing for, and also there's a certain familiarity that's coming through here, butterflies here spiritually, where it's almost like some of you are familiar with this castle, like someone who is doing so much or leading so much. It's almost like this woman here is in the ranks, the higher ranks of royalty here, and she's needing this break. She needs to come back to herself. So, as some of you are building this year, it's important to make sure that you are truly feeling ready, you truly feel like you've taken care of yourself, so that you can lead others and serve more.

Speaker 2:

There's something that's really also standing out here about the lay of the land. Again, the number here is 31. Energetically, that brings about structure and foundation, some stability. So there's a certain lay of the land where the guides are wanting you to spiritually look out, see everything, maybe map everything a little bit more. Go through that full year, go through each month, really think about what are those things that you want for yourself. But it's almost like the guides are bringing in this energy that some of you are getting ready to prepare for travel here or preparing for something in the distance that will require you to have your stability and structure together. There's just something here about not just being in one place that's coming through spiritually, which is beautiful.

Speaker 2:

Okay, let's bring in some melanated energies here. Butterflies Calling in melanated energies for the week ahead, the top of 2024. So right away here I'm seeing gratitude. We have these beautiful hands that are classed in prayer, allowing that gratitude to come in, but we also have rose quartz that's coming through. This is bringing out the energy of the heart chakra and it's calling us to really understand what are our emotions, what are we feeling? Again, there's that certain duality that was coming through with the butterflies here between Gemini energy and also Pisces energy that the spiritual guides are bringing through as messages. So how are you actually taking care of those emotions? And there's a certain gratitude that they want to bring out for you here.

Speaker 2:

Butterflies, it says simply express gratitude for all of the things that have brought you to this very moment. You could feel thankful for your ability to forgive your burning desire or the things that have forced you to deal with some hard truths in your life. Place your palms over your heart and say give thanks Internally. Express gratitude for where you are at the moment. Consider being fully content with yourself, with no judgment or hesitation that you are exactly where you need to be. I'm grateful for my journey, give thanks yeah. It's like the guides are bringing through this message. Even with the butterfly, affirmation of letting go creates space for me to receive. Letting go creates space for me to receive. And with this gratitude, it's asking you to be fully content with where you are and say I'm grateful for my journey, you're grateful for what you've learned up until this point. It's beautiful butterflies. We're gonna bring in one more oracle here before we get into your base tarot. I hope you're enjoying the so far butterflies. Let me know in the comments, let me know in your emails. Be a sub stack wherever you're connecting medium. Let me know how these messages are resonating with you. How are these messages resonating with your 2024?

Speaker 2:

Call in messages from the spiritual bags for the week ahead, top of 2024.

Speaker 2:

Here it says make it gods. Yeah, I'm getting this energy of some of you. Butterflies might have a few concerns. You know it's that busy energy at the top of the year, so it's only natural to want things to be right. But also there's that energy of making sure that you acknowledge the journey that you have so far. You're grateful for where you are and sometimes there can be that spirit of perfection that comes in. So the guides are asking you here to let go of some of that perfection energy here with make it gods. It says here release the idea of my, as soon as you start to say the money, the relationship, the job. Freedom arrives when there's no grasping. The right actions get shown. Free me from the prison of my dear divine. So there's this importance here of acknowledging that you have to surrender, you have to allow yourself to ease into this year, acknowledge the emotions, but that headiness, that Gemini energy that's coming out sometimes that can make you flip and wonder if you're doing the right thing. The guides are putting you into this position of holding your emotions with this depth and lake. They want you to go deeper than you've gone before butterflies. They want you to truly understand the journey up until this point because they're preparing you for more.

Speaker 2:

Here with this castle energy. Again, the image that's coming through is someone who has that high leadership position, someone that has that high authority, that is within the castle, that has that power but just needs a break. It needs a moment to really grasp that air. You know, kind of catch your breath a little bit and understand the depth of where you are, so that you can be more effective and also bring more of your full self. Beautiful energy butterflies. We're just gonna put these to the side. We will come back to these. For the moment, let's get into your base tarot. I'm feeling clawed to some angelic energies and also will clarify what's melanated energies.

Speaker 2:

I'm also getting this message from the guide, this audible message of center yourself, center yourself. For some of you, this could be if you're over giving within your family or if you are maybe an emotional over giver. There's something about center yourself. But also, as you're listening to this, center yourself If you're in a space that's a little bit too noisy right now for some reason. That's coming out. Maybe wait to listen to this or come back to it, but there's something that the guides are saying about center yourself and make sure that you can fully take in these messages and also making sure that you're not spreading yourself too thin. Call it in. Messages from the spiritual guides for the week ahead top of 2024, first week of January 2024. Call in messages from the spiritual guides for the first week of 2024. Powerful energies yes, butterflies, very powerful energies. Thank you, spiritual guides and ancestors.

Speaker 2:

So, before we get into any clarifying energy here, within your elevation of spirit, I'm seeing here the lovers card upright across the board. Here we have all upright energy and there's a lot of Gemini, loving kind of very powerful energy with the high priestess, the six of swords, the hermit two of cups. But within your elevation of spirit, here I'm seeing the lovers card upright, the two of cups within your healing, the high priestess within your work and business endeavors, the six of swords within your relationships. And then I'm also seeing the hermit card here within unexpected surprises. So, looking right away here at elevation of spirit, the lovers card brings this energy of connection. So it's almost like two are coming together families are coming together, relationships, friendships are coming together. This is like a high time of connecting with those that are meant to be within your path. Is the energy that's coming in? Be mindful of who's in your peripheral right now.

Speaker 2:

Butterflies, take note of the people that are new that maybe you meet over the next couple of days this week. How are you connected with them? Why are you connecting with them? What do you like about their personality? The lovers card within elevation of spirit. It just brings this energy of you're going to meet someone that you least expect, whether that's in a relationship, whether that's a new friend, someone, a colleague, new people in community. There's just this time of great intimacy, so allow yourself to be within this high vibration. This is a really incredible, beautiful time, especially here at the top of the year, to see this new lovers energy and just connecting with new people. So with that, as you're elevating here to that next level and getting to know some new people, which is very exciting I'm also seeing here the two of cups within your healing. So this is a time where you could again be falling deeper in love within your relationships. This is also a time where you might find new understandings and new foundations within current relationships of what you need and what you want. This is such a good time to also remember that if you need healing within your family, if you need healing within your friendships, this could be a good time to give it another shot, to kind of think about okay, let me speak with them in a different way. Let me hear them out, let me at least give it a try.

Speaker 2:

Emotionally. It doesn't mean you're necessarily going outside of your boundaries. What it does mean is it's fertile ground for healing. This is also a beautiful time for unions, especially for those of you that are within relationship, to have the two of cups within your healing. It means that you are getting ready to renew that connection. You're also getting ready to come into a new understanding of how you connect and the best ways of connect. So this is definitely like a healthy card showing that there's a lot of healthy connection and you're going to have some new people along the way to see the lovers. And the two of cups here is showing that there is a vibrancy across relationships for the collective. So it's beautiful to see that that energy is coming in spiritually for the collective butterflies and that many of you will find healing within those friendships, within those relationships. So keep your eyes open if you're looking for someone new and also be open to just this new level of energetic union that you'll have in your relationships.

Speaker 2:

I am seeing here, within your work and business endeavors, that the high priestess is front and center. So again, what do you truly want within your career butterflies With the high priestess. It's showing that you have the wisdom to pretty much make the right decision, to do what you want with good intention. So make sure that you are taking action that works intuitively for you. It's not the time to rush through things. If that makes sense, like with the high priestess. The high priestess likes to kind of sit and read and educate, work on those things again that you've already been doing. The energy of depth and lake that was coming through here with this elemental Oracle. Some of you are already in a position within your career, or working toward that position, where you have some knowledge but you need to take a little bit more time to refine it. That's what the high priestess brings in Just being able to refine, go deeper into what you truly want for your career and then make a move. Don't make any sudden decisions right now, but just know you have the wisdom to make the right decision. Maybe take this week just to think about what you want to do in your career before you make any big decisions.

Speaker 2:

I am seeing here the six of swords within your relationship. So this is again you have the lovers card and the two of cups and to see the six of swords, it's like you're walking away from those challenging times, if there were any. So for those of you that maybe had a little bit more turmoil within your relationships, I see that you've made a decision to go on a path that works best for you, that works best for your family. I'm seeing for, especially for some of you that are maybe within relationships with children, that you're deciding to do what's best for your kids. You're deciding to do what's best for you and your family, so you're finding that place of peace and so there could again be some relocation.

Speaker 2:

I did get that energy that was coming through spiritually where some of you, right now you're kind of going deep so that you can prepare for where the guides are getting ready to take you this year, traveling this year to see more. There's just this energy of going out beyond for the collective butterflies that are listening to these messages. And then I'm also seeing here, within your unexpected surprises, there's this inward energy with the hermit. So, again, take the time to really meditate, find that center. It's a message that is coming through loud and clear this week. Consider yourself, find that center. You need to take some time for yourself so that you can understand spiritually what aligns with you. But what's interesting about this hermit card is that there's so much social energy that's happening around you, so it's almost like you might feel internally like I just need to go inward. I'm just trying to figure myself out, but you're going to have friends that pull you out or encourage you to do more. It's like you can escape the love that's coming your way. But spiritually you might feel like you just need a moment, you need to just take a beat, and that's good, because it means that you have options and also you're not alone in your journey. If you feel like you're emotionally on your own in your journey, don't worry about that. Butterflies, you have support coming. If you don't already see it, or you just need to acknowledge the supports that are around you. Let's get into some clarifying energy here, just to get a few more spiritual messages for the week ahead here Calling and clarifying energy for elevation of spirit. Calling and clarifying energy for elevation of spirit. There's also this message that came through of if you don't talk about it, then how do you expect to get an answer? That might be specific to someone, but there's something coming out here of if you don't talk about it, how do you expect to get an answer? Also, supporting the lovers here I'm seeing the two of baskets, which is the two of cups, healing and relationships here butterflies between elevation of spirit and the healing realm.

Speaker 2:

There's a lot of synergistic energy. I just feel so much love that's coming through for many of your relationships. This is beautiful, beautiful energy. And to see the lovers and the two of baskets, this is a very divine time. What's actually coming through is there's a lot of warm Capricorn season sexual connection energy. So allow yourself to have that. Also, for those of you that are trying to come back into your body, this is a beautiful time to allow yourself to just embrace yourself, embrace that love. But others are seeing this. So, whether you feel it or not, there's this energy that others see your beauty. They acknowledge who you are. So there's certain vibration that you're bringing to the table here. Butterflies with this two of baskets. It's beautiful energy, butterflies, beautiful, beautiful Calling and clarifying messages for healing, clarifying spiritual energy from the ancestors for the healing realm.

Speaker 2:

I am seeing the nine of wands here. So there's an energy here of some of you. Maybe you've had to fight for this love a little bit, or you'll be in a position where someone is willing to fight for you, they're willing to go to bat for you. And so there's this nine of wands energy, which is a very fast energy Take your time is what's coming through, because sometimes the nine of wands is like you know, you're almost maybe on that verge of burnout, but there's a certain unity that's coming through here with this nine of wands, where, if you feel like, do I need to keep going? Is it worth it? The guides are clearly saying here it's worth it within this relationship, it's worth it within the friendships you're getting ready to cultivate and, again, the messages that came through for family with the two of cups. It's also worth it for you to take the time to just hear someone out.

Speaker 2:

Maybe you didn't always agree and you've had to defend yourself, or you feel like you don't know if it's worth taking on. It's not for you to take on here with the nine of wands, it's for you just to listen and to let someone else do that for you. Let someone else go to bat for you. So this is a beautiful energy of yes, you're feeling the love within, healing, but you want to make sure that you're allowing others to stand up for you, which might be a little bit more difficult and again, that could be a very specific message for someone, but that's what's coming through. Allow others to support you, allow others to defend you. Allow others to stand up for you. They are ready to do that and you have such beautiful love around you butterflies Calling and clarifying energy for working business endeavors.

Speaker 2:

Now I'm seeing the two of wands Wands energy. It always brings out this creativity. I see that some of you have many passions here. With the two of wands and with this high priestess, the guides are bringing in this choice. What does it look like if you just take a second to think about what you really love? Like not just kind of love, but like really, really love. That's what this two of wands and high priestess energy is bringing out. Give yourself some time to think about it Again with the high priestess this week, the guides are saying don't make any sudden decisions, but they are acknowledging that you have the wisdom to know what you really want, and they're going to give this choice here to really allow you to see everything for what it is.

Speaker 2:

And this could be a matter of prioritizing what's maybe a hobby from what's a stability or what really brings you joy in the workplace versus just a to-do task. Take the time to really work through that energy so that you can spend your time mentally wisely. Those hobbies maybe you don't devote all the time you need to them, but for those things that are the anchors and the priorities in your life, make sure that you have plenty of time for those so beautiful energy there. But I do see that some of you will have a choice here that you're working through mentally to make and that high priestess wisdom energy is saying do what's best for you, but make sure you're balanced. Also, some of you could be multi-talented where, as you're balancing things, you're trying to figure out what's the best way of going about it. They could show you some new creative choices too here with the two of ones. So stay open to that as well.

Speaker 2:

Colin and I are clarifying messages for the six of swords within relationships, six of swords within personal life. I feel like we have so much personal life energy here. Now, with the seven of baskets here, I see that some of you are feeling like you know you need to maybe do what's best for your family, for those of you that are walking away from turmoil or you're just choosing your mental health over arguments. But I'm also seeing here the seven of baskets, where some of you might feel a little bit confused on what to do here. There could be a possible Aries of the past that's affecting some of these choices here, with the emperor being reversed. Something about an Aries here where maybe you walked away from a friendship or you walked away from an Aries within a relationship and you felt a little bit confused emotionally, like things weren't quite lining up, or you just felt like emotionally it was always a juggle. You didn't really have a good understanding of where they were coming from and vice versa.

Speaker 2:

Take some time to really look at the challenges. Look at how you've traveled physically and also emotionally for those of you that have maybe moved to a new place. And as you've gotten to this new place, what does it look like? What's the new location bringing that the old location didn't? What is this new emotional way of thinking bringing to your spirit that the old emotional way of thinking didn't? There's just an energy here of acknowledging the choice you have right now and giving yourself some time to figure it out with the seven of baskets.

Speaker 2:

Now. There is something about the moon card here where you will see the intentions of this past, areas tied to your decision. You'll see the intentions. It might not come out right away, but it's on the way here with the moon card reversed and also with the moon card. The moon here is flipped so it's not all the way clear, but you're gonna see some glimmers. You're kind of going to see some things come up a little bit. So give yourself some time to just do what's best for you right now and know that all the answers will be revealed in time. But it's not for you to figure out. You really have to look at where you are right now physically, if you've moved, and also emotionally, if you've shifted into a new, higher way of thinking, calling and clarifying energy for the hermit.

Speaker 2:

Now some of you are unexpectedly this week you might take some time for yourself to think about a past father of one, so an ariesly or Sagittarius masculine here of the past. This is someone that either could be a father figure in your life or someone that was in a relationship that had a certain authority over you. There's something here about this father figure where, as you're taking time for yourself, it's almost like you're considering how do I approach this, because I feel a little bit drained here with this five of baskets. Like you feel drained from the situation, you're not exactly sure how to talk to them or how to discuss things emotionally, or you feel like you're on a different page. So take some time here to figure out exactly what you want and what works best for you with this father of of wands. I am seeing, though, that there's something financially between this relationship, so maybe there was money exchanged or money was given, but there's something about your independence that is allowing you, or requiring you, to take some time for yourself. This nine of coins is your independence, before you get to the ten of coins. So for some of you, this could be a father, an ariesly or Sagittarius that has something to say about your relationship. This could be a past partner, an ariesly or Sagittarius that you feel like you're on different pages financially and right now you need to find your own independence. If you're feeling a little bit drained from the situation, take some time to really self discover what works for you so that you're not in that kind of drain, combative mode. Do what makes you feel more open and makes you feel like you're in your full independence and not codependent or dependent on someone else financially.

Speaker 2:

Beautiful energy. Now we have so much lovers energy across the board here, butterflies. I'm going to bring in some closing oracles here and I'm first going to start with some loving oracles here, some love messages. Let's see what other spiritual messages are coming through for the collective. So I'm seeing here separation. It says time apart from your partner is on the horizon, so some of you might be just taking some time for yourself. I am seeing there's some energy, but it's interesting to see that over with all this other lovers energy. But I we do have the six of swords here on the table. So again, some of you might be in the separation where you need that time away to make the right decision, especially for those of you that are within family.

Speaker 2:

I'm also seeing here unrequited love. It's saying here there's not enough attraction or chemistry to this relationship going. Let's bring in a few other energies here. I'm seeing reconciliation. For some of you, someone from your past is returning to your life. We did see that Aries energy. I'm also seeing here romantic feelings. Your feelings are real and worth exploring. Let's bring in one more here, butterflies. And we have here engagement. So I'm seeing your love life is ascending to a higher level of commitment.

Speaker 2:

Butterflies, remember that the lovers energy that came in was also for friends and family. So there's some reconciliation. But I can also see for some of you, butterflies, the guides are saying it's time to take that time for yourself. If the energy is not reciprocated with unrequited love, don't entertain it. Make sure that if you are going to reconcile, that it's from a place of wholeness. You're not just getting with someone because it feels right or it feels convenient. Make sure that you're actually ready for that and you've done the work. Because there are so many romantic feelings here and also for some of you, there's an engagement that's coming in which we can clearly see here with the lovers card.

Speaker 2:

There's a lot of good connection energy that's coming in and again we saw here I'm grateful for my journey gift thanks. There's an energy of gratitude for where you are right now. Butterflies, allow yourself to be grateful for the journey you've had so far. Also, if you have any doubts about how things are going, why things are going the way they are, make it gods, release the idea of my and start to say the money, the relationship or the job. There's freedom and surrendering to the process. There's a lot of depth right now and again, with that energy of the new year. It's important to remember that there are times where you want perfection because you want the year to go off right. That's normal, that's a human emotion. But spiritually you're on a continuum. So allow yourself to really let go and create space for yourself to receive. The guides are bringing that end with that Gemini wittiness where you might be a little bit heady right now in this first week, but also that Piscian energy is asking you to come into your emotions. Let's close things out here. Butterflies with some unicorn oracles.

Speaker 2:

I hope you've enjoyed these messages. I look forward to seeing you each and every week. Bring in the new year with more confidence, I hope, but it applies then. You've had in this last year. I'm wishing you all so much, so much hope and so much energy to just accomplish all of your goals. So I hope you truly enjoy these messages.

Speaker 2:

Here we have cycles that says everything has its right time. Honor the cycles of your body and tune into the moon's magic. Let's just get a few more. I'm seeing here partnership, it says teamwork will give you a better result. Find trustworthy people to partner with and build up a talented support system, and I'm also seeing here strength. That says this challenge will make you stronger. You will get through to the other side. Look for the gifts in this situation With that, butterflies. That's all I'm being called to read at this time. I truly hope that these messages resonate with you. Let me know below in the comments how these messages are connecting with you, how your 2024 is shaping up, whether it's via YouTube, sub stack, medium core, wherever you are. Let me know how these messages are resonating with you, sending you all off with such good supportive energy here, just burning a bit of palo santo. And until next time, butterflies speak soon. Bye.

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