Monique's Tarot Podcast
Monique is a mystic, tarot energy reader, and lifetime vivid lucid dreamer who has embraced the self-recognition of her spiritual awakening, spiritual expansion, and metaphysical gifts to help others.
Monique's Tarot Podcast
New Moon in Aquarius Energy
As the moon waxes into Aquarius, it's not just the stars that are aligning—it's our very souls, poised for a cosmic rebirth. Feel the surge of Uranian energy as you listen, casting a spell that beckons you to plant seeds of innovation and bathe in the pool of self-realization. This episode is a tapestry of tarot wisdom and astrological insights, weaving through the significance of the new moon and its promise of creative sparks.
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☀️ You are light
☀️ You are abundant
☀️ You are expansive
Monique is a lifetime vivid lucid dream who has embraced the self-recognition of her spiritual awakening, spiritual expansion, and metaphysical connections. Through the calling and discovery of unlocking hidden spiritual gifts within her family history, she seeks to support others in their spiritual connection, self-awareness, and shared purpose in this lifetime.
Monique's Tarot 🦋
Music. Hello, butterflies, hello, hello. Welcome to Monique's Tarot. How are you, butterflies?
Speaker 1:I hope all is going well as we prepare to welcome in this new moon and Aquarius taking place on February 9th. To get things started here, let's just burn a bit of Palo Santo welcoming in those messages from the spiritual guides and also clearing out that energy that no longer serves us. As always, butterflies, it is such an honor to bring these messages to you all each and every week, and I'm doing a little bit of a different format because I've been pilgrimaging over the last two weeks. I've also been recovering health-wise, so my energetic system is needing a little bit more recovery right now. So, instead of the full spread, I wanted to just talk about this Aquarius energy, provide some guidance to you all, and also I pulled just a few cards that I wanted to talk through. So for those of you watching on YouTube, you'll probably see some guided visuals and just my voice, and for those of you that listen to the podcast, this will be pretty much a normal listening for you, just a little bit shorter. So I first want to talk about the energy of this new moon and Aquarius. So this is a new moon, this is a chance, an opportunity, a season for you to plant new seeds. And with Aquarius energy Aquarius being an air sign it's ruled by the planet of Uranus, so there's this energy of reforming those old habits and leashing that inner quirkiness you may have noticed over the last couple of days in your inner creative. Also, you might feel like you're doing a lot more self evaluation of what you are and who you are and what you want. And also there's these increased levels of hope and optimism with Aquarius energy. So, as it moves into the peak with the new moon, you want to use this much needed boost of kind of abundance and optimism to really prioritize any areas across your life realms that could use that optimism and use that improvement. Also, with Aquarius energy, it is ruled by the 11th house, so as a zodiac sign, this provides an opening with Aquarius, to connect with those friends, those family members that you really love. In addition to deeper connections in your community also, this opens up a lot more optimism for networking opportunities. So don't be surprised if you start to see some of those opportunities come into your life. Now some key questions that you may want to ask yourself what areas of your life could you be more optimistic in? And then also, how do you inspire hope and others? I'll repeat that again what areas of your life could you be more optimistic in and how do you inspire hope and others?
Speaker 1:The thing about Aquarius energy it brings this quirkiness that some people like and some people loathe. There's a certain intelligence with Aquarius being an air sign, a certain way of communicating, and with Aquarius being that water bearer of tarot, waterbarrow of the deck. It just brings this flow. So if you feel any stagnation in any areas of your life, this Aquarius new moon will ask you to plant those fresh seeds, to plant that fresh energy of how you can really start to open up to what's possible and pour back into yourself. Now, looking at just a brief draw of what I brought in this week for the new moon in Aquarius again just taking a little bit more rest here, but I wanted to provide some guidance and also for those of you that love and would like to go even deeper into the energy of Aquarius, make sure to check out the blog because I go deeper there with some of the energies and also what you can expect with Aquarius energy, with this new moon.
Speaker 1:So I pulled three tarot and two oracles. The three tarot I pulled was the Ten of Swords upright, the Hierophant reversed and also the Temperance card. So what this is telling me? First off, with the Ten of Swords upright, impairing that with the Hierophant, there's a call here to let go of what did not work, let go of the past. It's kind of saying it's ended, like the communication is ended. Whether this is a relationship, whether this is a way of thinking, with it being the Ten of Swords, whether it be a way of communicating With the Hierophant, it's saying it's ended. For some of you this may be an actual relationship where things have ended. Things have kind of come to the end of the road, as they say, or the end of the difficulty.
Speaker 1:The guides are asking you not to loathe on this. They're asking you to acknowledge it for what it is. You can't go back to that old way of thinking. You can't go back to that old way of communicating. And I'm not getting this energy like it's very present. It almost feels like they are covering up the the Ten of Swords here with the Hierophant. So it's almost like they're showing that this is something of the past that was not sacred for you, it was not intended for you, it was a path that you needed to move through, but it was not intended for you.
Speaker 1:So, with the Temperance Card upright, the guides are asking many across the collective, within this new moon in Aquarius, to really start to pour back into yourself. How can you have greater balance in how you're thinking? Some of that self-critical energy comes in, especially with Aquarius very heady, very analytical you may have noticed that in the last few days. So how can you make sure that you are not sitting there and over-analyzing what didn't work, what wasn't for you, and also reflecting on relationships that never were on this most stable ground? That's also coming in here, with the Hierophant being reversed, it just feels like it was shaky communication, different ways of thinking, and it's time to let that past be the past and start to pour into yourself here, with the Temperance Card being upright. But also beauty of the Water Bear energy with Aquarius and to see the Temperance Card. It brings in this energy of now. It's time to replenish Now, it's time to gather all of that emotion. It's time to feel everything that you need to feel.
Speaker 1:And that actually brings us to the African goddess for this week, and I'll read through that the African goddess for this week with the new moon in Aquarius, is Medusa and Rage. So it's a beautiful goddess here. She has the representation of Rage with a shield, but she has this beautiful moon and kind of the eclipses to the side and she's just looking straight at you. She has everything that she needs and she just kind of holds this power of rage and anger. Let's read through Medusa here. So Medusa is the shadow of Rage from Libya. Her temple is the shadows and her element is fire. Medusa is feared as an ugly, vicious monster. The truth, the Libyan Berber Dark Goddess of wisdom's rage, is sacred, epic and fully justified. Medusa's shadow guidance.
Speaker 1:You are pissed off and petrified, angry and shaking, but underneath that you are hurt and heartbroken, feeling undervalued and is overwhelming. You can't stay silent anymore. Let your joys, hopes and beauty rage on. The embodiment from Medusa is. Take a breath, close your eyes and put both hands over your lower abdomen. Tune into the part of you that feels out of control. Flood that part of you that feels out of control with loving, healing golden light. Now put both hands over your heart and do the same. You have a right to your full range of emotions, including anger. Sacred rage inspires us to run for office, lead, protest and shift policies, but in help, your rage can devour your very soul.
Speaker 1:Get clear on what is really happening. Allow yourself to feel your feelings, to see the truth. Just because you feel threatened does not mean you are being threatened, and the goddess declaration here is I have a right to feel my feelings. Yeah, there's definitely this energy across this collective of the new moon and Aquarius that's coming in here, of being able to feel the feelings. I know, I've even felt it myself throughout my energetic system, which is why I'm being called to just be gentle, or even in my rest now and delivering this message to you all, because this moon is bringing such reckoning, it's bringing such awareness, and there's an importance to respect that, to respect the optimism, but also to respect the truth that comes with Aquarius energy, that kind of straightforward, cut to the point energy that comes with Aquarius. So allow yourself to be in the fullness of that. Actually, as I was preparing for you all and taking a bath because I do that sometimes I think that water is such a conduit and during this time of healing for myself, I'm needing to take a few baths that I haven't been able to for some time, and so now that I can finally do that, it's like my energy system, that equilibrium is starting to really reset in a new way. So I encourage you to connect with those elements, connect with the air, connect with the water, connect with the ground, connect with the earth, really connect so that you're able to fully feel grounded in this moment of healing and in this moment of self-awareness where you're fully acknowledging your feelings and not just passing them off. That's very important, especially for those of you that are moving on from past situations and pouring into yourself, maybe feels uncomfortable, maybe feels selfish, maybe feels like you're not used to it, so you don't feel like you deserve it. It's important that you allow yourself to fully feel that, because that is healing, that is grounding, and it's necessary that you take this much needed time for yourself.
Speaker 1:The last oracle here is self-awareness, so a starlight oracle. The number atop here is six, so there's a celebration energy that's also coming in here. It's like the words that are coming through are everything is working, it's happening, it's happening, it's working, it's coming in. It's kind of like that ability to be celebrated with six energy. But there's a self-awareness here that's labeled, that's tied to it as well. So the self-awareness there's a beautiful green sage card here, two hands, where there's one hand that's coming through the galaxy window and it's placing this orb over another hand that's reaching out, almost like the spiritual guides and ancestors are coming through and they're handing you a gift and they're allowing you to accept this gift. It says here let go of your egoic attachments.
Speaker 1:Your evolution comes with release. It's important, butterfly, is that you allow yourself to move forward, you allow yourself to come out of that old energy and I actually saw this video earlier this week where it talked about the power of moving forward and there's a man who was sitting in a chair and as he was sitting in that chair, he was demonstrating that to move forward, he has to get up out of the chair, he has to get up out of that position that he's currently in and he needs to walk forward. And the only way that you can do that is to leave the chair behind, leave what you previously had behind. So this is a time, butterflies, to have that self-awareness of what's coming in, self-awareness of how you've been, maybe limiting yourself, not giving to yourself, not seeing things for what they are, or maybe you already know and you felt those things, but you haven't fully allowed yourself to accept it within your heart, like maybe in your mind. You know, but you haven't been able to accept it within your heart. And the guides are asking here to let go of your egoic attachments.
Speaker 1:Your evolution comes with release. It's time to release Butterflies with this new moon. You need to release so that you can have fresh seeds. You need to release so that the soil can be fertile with what's truly intended. You wanna grow what's meant for you. Butterflies With that. That is all I'm being called to read and lead you all with spiritually at this time. As always, I always wanna come to you when my energy system is at its best. So I'm hoping that over this weekend my body has a little bit more time to recover and I'm able to bring you a reading message, a visual message, on Sunday. So I'm gonna do my best to listen to my system, but until then, butterflies, enjoy the blog, enjoy the readings and for those of you listening, I hope you enjoyed this message this week. And for the visuals, I hope that the visuals were healing for those of you watching that on YouTube. Until next time, butterflies speak soon. Bye.