Monique's Tarot Podcast

Mountains & Molehills | Full Moon in Virgo

Monique's Tarot 🦋 Season 3 Episode 41

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The Full Moon in Virgo takes place on February 24, 2024.  Harness the energy of hardships and turn them into stepping stones for personal growth.  This week's episode wraps you in the introspective embrace of the Virgo Full Moon, guiding you through a journey of meticulous self-reflection and the practical magic of routines. We uncover the subtle powers of the Hermit card and how its wisdom can help you find clarity amidst the chaos. 

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Monique is a lifetime vivid lucid dream who has embraced the self-recognition of her spiritual awakening, spiritual expansion, and metaphysical connections. Through the calling and discovery of unlocking hidden spiritual gifts within her family history, she seeks to support others in their spiritual connection, self-awareness, and shared purpose in this lifetime.

Monique's Tarot 🦋

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Hello, butterflies, hello, hello, welcome to Monique's Tarot. How are you, butterflies? I hope all is well as we welcome in this new week and also prepare for the full moon in Virgo happening at the end of the week. To get things started here, let's just burn a bit of Palo Santo Welcome in in those messages from the spiritual guides and also clearing out that energy that no longer serves us as always. Butterflies, thank you all so much for your likes subscribes, for your connections across all of the Monique's Tarot Butterfly family spaces. I hope you all are doing well. I hope you had some great love for those of you that celebrate Valentine's Day, and that you're really centering your spirit and mind during this time of reflection. So let's talk about the energy of the full moon in Virgo. I'm really going to focus on a full week ahead, but I wanted to bring in messages for the full moon in Virgo because it happens on a Saturday, so it's kind of right in between our readings. So Virgo energy Virgo is represented by the Hermit card within Tarot, so there's this energy right now across the collective of going more inward. You may feel like you're more focused on yourself, more comfortable in your own space and with Virgo having this energy of being a mutable sign. This is a very easy go-in time, although Virgo is an earth sign. So a lot of thinking about your resources, your finances, your health, your manifestation. Virgo kind of has a very tactical way of doing things, so liking things to be labeled, liking things to be organized. That's part of that mercury energy that rules Virgo. So, thinking about how you speak, with your language, how you really convey a lot of good information, how are you actually starting to connect those non-verbal things that you might want to say to the ways that people see you and connect with you? There's a lot of brilliance with the energy of Virgo and also with Virgo energy. Virgo is connected to the sixth house, so think about those routines that you do. Again, virgos have this energy of being very task-oriented, liking to label things, but there's a lot of strength in that, with health, vitality and also the courage that they have in being able to serve others by having things better in line for themselves. So give yourself this energy with the hermit energy, with that sixth house energy, to really think about those domestic things that you want to prioritize and those domestic things that you maybe want to be more easy going with Now, as we look to this new week, there's a lot of good energy, especially coming off of Valentine's Day for those that celebrate, where you feel more connected and you feel like you have a better understanding of what you want. For those that may be struggling through lower emotions at this time, use this Virgo energy that's coming in at the end of the week to really uplift you, to really provide some grounding and focus on those key priorities. Sometimes we want all of those beautiful things to happen at the same time as the key priorities are happening, but we really need to organize all of that efficiently. So use that Virgo energy to move through that and allow the spiritual guides to guide you in the right way. With that butterflies, let's get into a guided message for the week ahead Calling and messages from the spiritual guides for the week ahead, and also the full moon and Virgo this time of harvest Another thing to know about full moon energy this is a time of harvest this week, so allow yourself to welcome in that energy butterflies, calling and messages from the spiritual guides for the week ahead.

Speaker 2:

I'm feeling a very steady energy. I should say that first here. Very steady energy Coming into this week the word that actually came out was a poppy energy, which is interesting with the idea of steadiness. But there's a certain poppiness like a pepiness, kind of like walking along someone bouncing along the road down the road, but just a certain like pep in your step, in being very steady this week With this butterfly.

Speaker 2:

It's a very. It's almost like a someone in their 20s here. This energy or for those of you that might be past your 20s, it's almost like you're going to connect with some of that energy, that 20s youthful energy, where you are past your early stages of youth but you're in this phase where you're kind of ready to get out into the world and see things. That's the energy that this butterfly has of just being really like outgoing, kind of in that really vibrant part of yourself. But still there's some wonder, there's some wisdom that's needed here. So your butterfly affirmation here says nothing is impossible for the heart, love will always find a way. Nothing is impossible for the heart, love will always find a way. Yes, butterflies, let's bring in a few more oracles here. It's been a minute since I've brought in some wild offering oracles, so let's get into that here. Let's see what the ancestors and spiritual guides have to say Calling and wild offering oracles for the week ahead, leading into this full moon in Virgo harvest energy for the collective.

Speaker 2:

We have hardship here, it says. May I embrace what's happening right now, as baffling or painful as it is. Help me, god, to trust where you are guiding me. I am yours, mmm. It's like there's some acceptance that's happening here with hardship. Some of you might be dealing with a hardship right now. Maybe you're moving through some tough emotions with many of these tears at the top here, but what you notice about tears is tears have this ability to really uplift new fruit from the ground, new roots from the ground and also these blossoming flowers that are happening here. So again, this says may I embrace what's happening right now, as baffling or painful as it is. Help me, god, to trust where you are guiding me. I am yours. It's almost like this mental pool that I'm feeling right now where some of you might be moving through trying to get through a tough mental state, like trying to break through depression or break through not being able to necessarily have that pep. Again. There's that pep energy that's coming in here, kind of like this rejuvenation of that pep in your step that you had in your twenties. Perhaps some of you had some things that have deterred you from having that same energy, or you've been looking for that energy. There's something that's coming through here with this hardship. That's kind of like bringing back this pep that some of you are seeking and looking for here with hardship. Let's bring in an African goddess here, calling in messages from the spiritual guides for the week ahead, calling in messages from the spiritual guides for the week ahead, calling in messages from the spiritual guides for the week ahead.

Speaker 2:

Full moon in Virgo Queen Yatana Tsiwa. She's definitely showing herself more and more. We just saw her a couple of weeks ago. But let's read into Queen Yatana Tsiwa. It says here level up, level up. And you can see here there's a throne in front of her, waiting this golden seat in front of her, and she also has this machete ready to chop down anything in front of her. But also it's like there's an open window behind her that's really standing out here today, like she's waiting for the energy to walk through any door, any opportunity that's coming her way. There's a call here to level up. It reads here goddess of leveling up, pashanti and Gana. Her temple is the Queens and her element is the Bush.

Speaker 2:

Queen Yatana Tsiwa is a mother farmer and the warrior queen who led the war of the Golden Stool. The Golden Stool throne of the Shanti Empire holds the Regent's crowd, life force, energy. Queen Yatana Tsiwa's guidance is to raise your standards. A leap forward for one is a leap forward for the tribe. Your choices can raise the frequency of your community and the planet. Her embodiment is. It's time to level up. This is your season for a quantum leap. You have prepared for this. Life does not have to be linear, and neither does growth. A quantum leap feels drastic and huge, but the secret is that quantum leaps happen little by little. So what inspired action helps you level up?

Speaker 2:

Connecting to spirit with rituals, movement, meditation and visualization is a great start, and her goddess declaration here is divine timing is on my side. Divine timing is on my side. Yes, butterflies, there's the energy here of being able to really find that pep again. It's almost like some of you are having trouble with embracing the now, and there's this energy of comparison that's coming through. So don't compare where you are now to where you were. Accept the energy that you're currently in. Accept the energy that you're currently in. I'm actually being called to the Melanated Deck and then we'll get here into your base tarot Calling and messages from the spiritual guides from the Melanated Deck for the week ahead. Calling and messages from the spiritual guides for the week ahead. Hmm, yeah, that energy of overcoming is coming through here.

Speaker 2:

So we have mountains and mole hills, mountains and mole hills. There's a woman here, beautiful, beautiful natural hair. She's hugging and holding herself. There's a green color that's really standing out here. So being able to open up that heart chakra, which green is connected to, and also this really is bringing in the energy of Virgo, that earth energy connecting with the self, connecting with a lot of those base areas of life, those foundational areas of life. And you can see here that there's a mountain on top of her head and this is a white, snowy mountain and it's almost like there are green beams that are coming out of it, like some of you need to reach the top of this mountain to open up your heart. But it's starting here with loving herself, holding herself in every way, the most natural way, and it says here when your problems feel too hard to handle, challenge yourself, to widen your lens.

Speaker 2:

Most times we zoom in on issues to examine them, making them bigger than what they really are? How does this problem compare to your passions and what are you set out to do in the world? Is this experience a contribution or a distraction? Understand the impact you have on the world by merely existing. There is no need to stifle your existence by giving your issues more energy than they deserve. If you're having a hard time seeing the bigger picture, imagine everything you've ever wanted or needed for yourself and your community.

Speaker 2:

Recognize when molehills are perceived as mountains because you are plain small. Stand up and see how tall you actually are. And the declaration here is my life is full of surprises. Some are challenging, but I can do challenging things. Yes, butterflies, there's an energy here of overcoming, being able to overcome what's in front of you, being able to truly see it for what it is. This might be a hardship for you right now, whether that's emotionally, whether that's financially, whether that be mentally, whether that be physically, in the space that you are in, but you are meant to climb this mountain, make a molehill out of this mountain and know that life is full of surprises for you. You know that energy from the butterfly affirmation here nothing is impossible for that heart Love will always find a way. It's just such beautiful energy that the guides are bringing you butterflies here to really start to step into bigger energy, to understand that this is temporary Beautiful energy. Okay, virgo full moon bringing in some grounding, bringing in some realization here. That's beautiful. Okay, we're going to get into your base tarot here butterflies.

Speaker 2:

I feel called to bring in the powerful visuals of an angelic deck here, calling in messages from the spiritual guides for the week ahead, calling in messages from the spiritual guides for the week ahead and the harvest energy of the full moon in Virgo. Stable, peppy energy. Stable, peppy energy, calling in messages from the spiritual guides for the week ahead Stable, peppy energy. Okay, butterflies within your elevation of spirit here I'm seeing the lovers card upright Within your healing realm. I'm seeing the two of wands reversed. I'm seeing the high priestess reversed within your work and business endeavors, the moon card upright within your personal life, and then I'm also seeing here the magician reversed in unexpected surprises. So in seeing the lovers card within your elevation of spirit, this is telling me that many of you are starting to move into new levels and new understandings within your relationships. So beautiful energy, especially coming off of such a loving time this last week.

Speaker 2:

It's nice to see that there's this embrace that's happening across your friendships, across those true connected personal relationships within your lives. To see this with an elevation of spirit and bringing in that Gemini energy. Make sure that you're looking at all sides and dualities of people. It's showing that this is really going to bring in a new view of everyone in your life, which is great to see. And also there's some vibrancy that comes in with the lovers, so being able to love your body, especially for those of you that are maybe working on health issues. This lovers energy brings in this vitality where there's this recovery energy as well. So allow yourself to elevate into this really good energy that feels supportive, that feels like you're understanding new things about yourself and others. There's a new level that's happening here across your relationships.

Speaker 2:

I am seeing that some of you, within your healing, you're revisiting those old paths that you used to take or were thinking about taking here with the two of wands. The two of wands is often like a new path that you're taking on. You're really kind of stepping out there, but this is a reflective energy, like you're looking back at what happened and you're trying to understand where was my passion back then. Again, the guides are looking to bring you into the present from some of the earlier oracles that we saw with this full moon and Virgo. So stay in that energy, stand in that present energy. But we're going to get some clarifiers here to really see why the guides are bringing this reflection within your healing Now, within your work and business endeavors. Some of you may need to really work with a counselor or maybe an attorney. Here. There's something about using the best judgment that's not really being used right now. Guides are bringing this high priestess reverse to say you need to look at everything, look over everything, every fine line and this isn't to scare you about things that might not be right or might not be correct with paperwork, but there is something here about making sure that you're actually using your wisdom. It's almost like it's time to step back into your work and really take it seriously. There's this energy here where some are maybe just a little bit more lax, and you need to be really honing on that energy this week and start to do the work, because, with the high priestess reverse, we want to make sure that everything is in line. So take heed to that energy and we'll get some clarifiers there as well.

Speaker 2:

Now, within the personal life, I am seeing, for many of you, butterflies. We have this beautiful, beautiful aerial angel here that is kind of standing over this vast valley, vast land, with the moon card, and you can see here that there's a need to really come into who you are and pay attention to those divine signs from the spiritual guides. What are you not seeing within your relationship? Can you really let go of that worry? Can you really let go of those fears? With the moon card, so many things will become clear. It's important for you to give some time for those things to become clear, for those things to really reveal themselves. Give yourself the space and time for that to happen. It's almost like some of you are trying to rush a couple of things that just need to be revealed in your relationships.

Speaker 2:

Now. The moon card also brings in Pisces energy, so there's a lot of depth here. There's a lot of emotion that some of you may be moving through, even some like if you feel like you're escaping reality in your relationships. The guides are going to kind of give you this opportunity to see why are you feeling so lost in your relationship? Are you really seeing your full self as you're getting lost. So there's almost like a wake-up call that's happening here, like you need to pay attention to what's happening and not just get swept up in the emotions of everything which comes with Pisces energy.

Speaker 2:

And then I am seeing here again additional Virgo or not Virgo, but additional Gemini energy. Here with the magician, the magician is reversed. So this is telling me that there might be some energy around you where you're not fully alchemizing all of your talents, you're not fully using everything you have, or there's either someone here that might be utilizing their gifts kind of vindictively. So we'll see where that is with some clarifying energy. And I feel called to bring in some animal energies. So let's clarify with some animal energies here, calling and messages from the spiritual guides for the week ahead. I'm getting this right away as soon as I pulled out the deck ox energy. Ox energy is very bold, very strong, but verbally I heard ox almost like held on a farm ox energy, but oxes are also out in the wild as well, so I'll just hold on to that, but it's a very strong kind of bold energy. Bold energy. Now, clarifying the Lovers card.

Speaker 2:

I am seeing the Seven of Swords here. So there's something here about the perceptions of others. There might be some other people that have some things to say about your relationships, whether that be friends, whether that be in family To see the hang man here. There's something here about impatience, like people are getting maybe a little bit impatient, getting this kind of jokey energy, like some people feel like you should be further along in some of your relationships. For those of you that are maybe single and not married yet, or single and you have non-traditional relationships, there's something here that's more jokey with the Seven of Swords about people have a lot to say but there's a need to be patient here with the hang man, making sure that you're not doing things because others believe you should be doing things because you're elevating, you're finding new understandings with yourself, so you don't have to move at the pace of everyone else within your relationship. Yeah, and this might be coming from a Queen of Wands, so affeminate energy in areas Leo are Sagittarius might have a lot to say about your relationships or your friendships.

Speaker 2:

There's something here about this Queen of Wands where she's very aware of perception. She's very aware, as an area Leo Sagittarius, of what people think about her. For some of you, this may be an aunt, this may be. I'm not really getting a mother. I'm more of getting someone who's an aunt or an older friend, someone who's maybe a little bit more swab. She just she has a certain flair about her dresses. Really well, there's just something about how she perceives things with this Queen of Wands energy and she's more about how it looks, but you are more about how it feels within your relationships in life. She's a driving force. I see her being around for a while.

Speaker 2:

So be very aware of this alluring energy that she brings, that you're not taking on what she wants, that you're actually starting to get into what you want, and so I'm sensing that's where the Seven of Swords energy is. But the guides are just saying hang tight, listen to the energy, but truly you are elevating into a more balanced level and a more balanced time within your relationships. So go with that energy. Clawing and clarifying energy for healing. Clawing and clarifying energy for healing. Supporting the two of wands reversed. I see some of you are making some really good investments, especially for those of you that have little ones within your family. Here, with the Four of Pentacles supporting the two of wands, it's like the guides are saying, hey, we're allowing you to kind of reflect back. But right now they're saying that you're healing with how you're investing your resources very much that Virgo energy, but with the Four of Pentacles there's a lot of stability. So some of you are making some great investments.

Speaker 2:

Right now. Let's get a few more clarifiers within the healing. It's like you're healing through your choices. I am seeing the Hierophant here. So some of you, it's reversed. Some of you may have been previously married or in a long-term relationship. There's something here about what the Eight of Pentacles reversed. Many of you needed to start over financially or you needed to really get new grounding with your finances and get new grounding with learning new things with the Eight of Pentacles and really having a solid understanding of how to invest and how to take care of your health. And you're comparing yourself now to the path that you were previously on. The guides are saying these points of reflection the Hierophant reversed, the Eight of Pentacles being reversed. It's not for you to question, because right now you're on a new path of healing with the Four of Pentacles.

Speaker 2:

So stay in that energy, stay and continue to do what you're currently doing right now and for those of you that do have little ones that do have a family. I see you kind of nestling a nice nest egg for them. So maybe you're even planning for their college or planning for their schooling the guides, if you're not already doing it, showing that you will be doing that. So continue to stay in that energy column and clarifying energy for work and business endeavors for the week ahead. Fun and clarifying energy for work and business endeavors for the week ahead. And full moon in Virgo Wow, something big is coming in for you all butterflies. Work-wise. It's gonna be very emotionally fulfilling and a good setup for your future family and stability here.

Speaker 2:

So, supporting the high priestess, I am seeing the 10 of cups upright, I'm seeing the 10 of wands upright and I'm also seeing the king of cups. There could be someone in your workplace that's a cancer scorpio or Pisces, maybe an HR professional, someone who's very well-spoken to other people, has a very good understanding of the emotions of others. There's something that this king of cups is bringing in where it's just a big emotional understanding, where they're supportive. They know what you're moving through. They're gonna be right there for you. So whatever is happening with possible paperwork or questioning of things, it's gonna be resolved. I can see that, especially with the 10 of wands and 10 of cups, because this is celebration energy.

Speaker 2:

With the 10 of cups, the 10 of wands is showing it's coming in very fast. So make sure you have all your eyes and tees dotted, so make sure that you are really looking at everything, because with the 10 of cups here it's gonna be very emotionally fulfilling, like a new setup for you, a new opportunity. You're gonna feel very connected. And then with the 10 of wands here I'm also seeing it's coming in very fast. So get ready, butterflies, stay with those allies and connections, those people that really vouch for you. Again, this king of cups, this cancer, scorpio or Pisces, this big leader, this big emotional individual, they have your back. So there's gonna be some good, good news coming in. Yeah, 10 of cups and 10 of wands upright, that's beautiful energy.

Speaker 2:

Also, I'm seeing that there's a way that this information is coming in work-wise, where it's really rallying a lot of people around your work, within the workspace, within community, so you have a lot of good, supportive energy. It's almost like again, nothing is impossible for the heart level always find a way and the energy that we saw earlier with hardship may I embrace. What's happening right now is baffling or painful as it is. Help me, god, to trust. Where you are guiding me. I am yours.

Speaker 2:

So many of you are starting to shift out of those tough times with work, with questions, and this is a nice little surprise for you all, very fulfilling. That is challenging you, but it's like challenging you for growth. So beautiful, beautiful energy that many of you are leveling up into with Queen Yaa, to see what here, yeah, and at the bottom of the deck here, what's coming out is the judgment card, golden snake. Yeah, things are gonna go in your favor here, butterflies. I can definitely see that energy that came out right away on its own. So things are moving in your favor. Know that with the judgment card upright, the scales are being balanced in your favor. That golden snake shedding that old skin you can see there and coming into this newness, this golden part of yourself. Some beautiful, beautiful energy there, calling and messages from the spiritual guides, clarifying energy for the week ahead, for personal life, clarifying energy supporting the moon card in personal life.

Speaker 2:

I do see that there might be a past Aquarius coming in here with the star card reverse for some of you and the Sagittarius of the past or past relationship between an Aquarius and a Sagittarius, with the star card and temperance being reversed, I'm seeing the aid of wands reversed. There's something here about a relationship that possibly burned out between an Aquarius and Sagittarius that happened really fast in the past. There's something that needed to be revealed in. Some of you really got swept away and lost in this relationship. It's important with fast relationships, to understand that there's a need for balance within first, so that you're not relying solely on that relationship to kind of bring you up. The guides are reminding you for those of you that maybe weren't in an Aquarius or Sagittarius relationship that don't lose hope in those things that require you to have greater balance in your life. If you feel like things are moving too fast or have moved too fast within your relationships, write those things down, journal those things down. What was it or what are those traits that continue to burn out your relationships and how can you do things differently now. How can you find more grounding energy with this Virgo energy? That's what this moon card is really bringing out for many of you. So sit in that energy and do some reflection in your relationships, and it's giving you this opportunity to just look at the past. That's what the guides are bringing in and also not to worry so much, because if you know what didn't work in the past, then you have an opportunity to correct for yourself first and then you have more to bring to someone else. So use that reflection energy, butterflies. Use that reflection energy and then calling and clarifying energy here for the magician card reversed within unexpected surprises for the week ahead. An upcoming full moon in Virgo, follow and clarifying energy for the week ahead and upcoming full moon in Virgo.

Speaker 2:

For the magician, there's Empress card upright energy coming in the six of swords reversed and also the knight of swords reversed. There's with this Empress energy, there's a mothering energy that always comes with the Empress card. So for some of you, this could be directly related if you are a mother, or with your mother if you're not a mother. There's something here about needing to come out Meeting to in the past with the six of swords, take a different path, like things just weren't working so you needed to find calmer waters is what's showing here with the six of swords. And this could have been with a younger Gemini, libra or Aquarius. A younger relationship that you had with a Gemini, libra or Aquarius. Maybe you had a child with this individual, but there's something here about you needing to take some time away or you had to take some time away to see.

Speaker 2:

The magician reverse is showing that your gifts may have been stifled by either this relationship or by this younger Thinking like someone was not at the same maturity that you are. Because with this Empress energy, it's like you can see this Empress, this fox, is watching over a young one in the fox hole and now she's like coming out. So the things that you did when you were younger, you have to act differently as you are older. And we have again a butterfly here which is showing that this is a transformation point. Whenever I see double butterflies in a reading, this is a transformation point for many of you to reflect on.

Speaker 2:

How are you stepping into your full Empress energy? How are you stepping into that full understanding of who you are, the power you bring, the mothering energy that you bring to others? And what is it about these younger conversations or younger minds that you often are drawn to or feel stifled by? Because it's showing that you did need to take a new course. And the guides, with this magician reverse energy, are saying don't limit yourself, don't limit your gifts. Allow those gifts to come out and don't allow anyone to deter you from what's truly meant for you to bring out of yourself. There's a lot of beautiful energy that's just not being utilized. Just what? What the guides are bringing in? Mmm.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's like the guides want you to stay in this energy. They want you to challenge yourself. That's the energy that's coming out, so beautiful, beautiful energy Actually feel called to close things out today With some Akashic tarot. So I'll bring that in and then also let's bring in a few more oracles here. I hope you all have been enjoying these readings and I hope that you're feeling the energy as we get closer to the full moon in Virgo, calling the messages from the spiritual guides for the week ahead. So I'm seeing your prayers and wishes. Yeah, there's that energy of many of you are looking for this release point. You're looking for this point of just getting things better here, with the showing of hardship and also the mountains and molehills, like some of you are just climbing up. But don't worry, butterflies, the guidance are showing that your Rightful judgment is on the way. Things are going to turn in your favor here. So I'm seeing here, with prayers and wishes, that there's a woman that's dropping this wishing coin into the well. You can see all the sunlight behind her and you can see that she's almost flying here. There's a flying bird that's going into the sun. So some of you, your answers are on their way They've been heard. Your spiritual guides and ancestors are bringing in these messages. It's just a matter of time. So stay hopeful here, because there's sun rays on the other side, calling and messages from the spiritual guides for the week ahead.

Speaker 2:

I'm seeing water magic here, and so this is telling me that many of you are in an emotional time of maturity right now. You're starting to mature internally. Water magic brings in that energy of cancer, scorpio and Pisces. So how can you move forward with that can Syrian energy, that chariot energy, with that Pisces energy? How can you go deep like the moon? And then also with that Scorpio energy? How can you leave behind those things that no longer are In your current moment, that you don't need right now? How can you kind of let go of that, have death to those things that do not serve you at this time? So this water magic is really bringing in an opportunity for many of you to replenish a new emotional level within yourself, which is beautiful to see.

Speaker 2:

Let's bring in some Akashic tarot here and, for those of you that might be unfamiliar, akashic tarot brings in histories from past lives and histories from how you may have lived in before, so it just brings in a really fresh perspective and energy here. Yeah, we have the king of cups that's coming out again. There's something about this king of cups for many of you this week. Pay attention to those Masculines that have a really strong emotional pull. They really bring you in well, that cancer, scorpio or Pisces energy. There's an energy here of just bringing in that emotion. So stay with those nurtures, those masculine nurtures. It's beautiful. It's almost like they have your back. They see exactly what you need. So stay with that mature energy.

Speaker 2:

Hmm, so I'm seeing here the one of forces, which is the Akashic field. This is a very powerful energy here. The Akashic field really brings in the opportunity to step into a New plane, a new plane of energy. You can see here like there are all these beautiful colors. You can see this valley. It's like the Northern lights that's coming through here, which is just a beautiful phenomenon with heat and light and how the light bounces off one another with the clouds. So there's this beautiful energy with the Akashic fields, where many of you are coming into an opportunity of a new Life force, a new element. So come into this present energy, as the guides are bringing in this past reflection. It's beautiful to see that for you, butterflies. And the last oracle that we'll bring in today is a unicorn oracle calling in messages from the spiritual guides, unicorn oracles for the week ahead, calling in messages from the spiritual guides for the week ahead full moon and Virgo harvest energy.

Speaker 2:

So, closing things out here and opening up the week, butterflies, we have dance here. It says move your body to music, dance with the rhythm of life, manifest your dreams through dance. Yes, butterflies, move with the dance of life, move with those things that may feel like you're questioning yourself or a little bit uneasy, but they're bringing in this new challenge. This is beautiful, beautiful energy. Many of you are making those mountains out of molehills and you're conquering so many things and opening your heart to new things. So dance and manifest your dreams through dance by going with the dance of life.

Speaker 2:

Here and again, your butterfly affirmation reads for this week nothing is impossible for the heart. Love will always find a way. With that, butterflies, that is all I'm being called to read at this time. I hope you truly enjoyed this reading. I hope that it was healing for you and provided some spiritual guidance. To close things out here, just sending you all on your way thinking your ancestors, thinking, all the collective spiritual guides for all that have connected with this message and have been drawn to this message, just sending all of us off in our spiritual teams with Protective Palo Santo. And until next time, brother Flies, speak soon and drink lots of water. After these readings, especially this one, I'm feeling called to say that I'm bringing that water energy to really cleanse the body with that water magic. And until next time, butterflies speak soon. Bye.

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