Monique's Tarot Podcast

30-Day Spiritual Cleanse 🧘🏾‍♀️✨️

Monique's Tarot 🦋 Season 3 Episode 42

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Welcome to Monique's Tarot Podcast a place where we celebrate the light, abundance, and expansive energy you bring to this world. If today's reading has served you please subscribe and share with your community.

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Monique is a lifetime vivid lucid dream who has embraced the self-recognition of her spiritual awakening, spiritual expansion, and metaphysical connections. Through the calling and discovery of unlocking hidden spiritual gifts within her family history, she seeks to support others in their spiritual connection, self-awareness, and shared purpose in this lifetime.

Monique's Tarot 🦋

Speaker 2:

Hello, butterflies, hello, hello. Welcome to Monique's Tarot. How are you, butterflies? I hope all is well on your end as we prepare for this 30-day spiritual cleanse. This is my first time doing this and also we're kicking off this 30-day spiritual cleanse with a new moon and Pisces. So before we get started, let's just burn a bit of Palo Santo, welcoming in the messages from the spiritual guides and also clearing out that energy that no longer serves us. As always, butterflies, it is such an honor to bring these messages to you all each and every week, being able to connect the ancestors and spiritual guides and bringing you, whether it be via YouTube, email, social media, being able to connect via medium or Quora, wherever you're connecting with the butterfly family. Thank you so much for entrusting me along your spiritual journey.

Speaker 2:

Now, butterflies, we are stepping into a very energetic spiritual season. For those of you that know that are regular spiritual practitioners, this is a train. This is a try of multiple religions that come together and cross over in their practice at the same time. Some would say this is one of the most energetic spiritual times of the year. So you have Ramadan, which is starting today. You also have Easter, that's coming up, and Passover, so there's a lot of prayer, there's a lot of meditation, there's a lot of energy that is just within the spiritual realms. So I wanted to, and felt really called to, bring for this 30-day spiritual cleanse to you all. So if you're subscribed to my newsletter at Monique's Tarotcom, each day I'll be sending out an email. It'll have a spiritual message and affirmation for that day. I'll also have a card that I pull for that day and a suggestion for what you could do to take care of your body. So if that's something of interest, go right over at Monique's Tarotcom, sign up for the newsletter and receive those to your email each and every day.

Speaker 2:

Now what I would like to talk about, opening this energy for this 30-day cleanse, is the new moon in Pisces, which is right at the start of Ramadan, and so this energy of Pisces Pisces being a mutable sign, it's a very easy going time, but Pisces is ruled by the planet of Neptune, so there's a lot of imagination that happens, there's some dream states, you know a lot of spirituality and instinctual knowledge that you might feel called to during this time. Go with that energy, especially if, pisces being a water sign, there's a lot of emotions, relationship and love energy that comes through, and especially with Pisces being connected to the 12th house. There's a lot of luck and miracles that can happen during this time and this is a space where you can find a lot of clarity within. Pisces, as a sign, is known to go deep and they have this way of escaping. If you are Pisces or know a Pisces, so you might find yourself wanting to escape reality, but there's just this playful innocence with Pisces that you can't help but love. So allow yourself to move through this Neptune energy and also, with Pisces being represented by the moon card in Tarot. You're definitely going to go deep Now with that butterflies.

Speaker 2:

As we welcome in the energy of this new moon of Pisces and also welcome in this 30-day spiritual cleanse. Let's get into a guided message from the spiritual guides for the week ahead, calling in messages from the spiritual guides for the week ahead, welcoming the energy of the new moon and Pisces, calling in messages from the spiritual guides for the week ahead. So we have this brown butterfly, almost like a translucent, looks like a moth, a little bit butterfly, and you can see that this butterfly is standing in front of the woods, almost like it's outside of the woods, showing itself coming out of the woods, the energy I'm getting today. So it's coming out of kind of this time of maybe being a little bit more focused, being more connected to that Virgo energy we just had that full moon Virgo and there's this energy of being able to come out of the woods and to fully show itself in the light. And what it says here I choose to live with courage, I do not allow others to intimidate me, I stand my ground and I never give up. And you can see, there's this energy of orange connecting to the solar plexus, and also purple. So there's this feminine energy that's coming through here of connecting with that third eye chakra. Are you really tapped into your intuition? But I'm seeing that the masculine has this need right now to really be confident in what you're doing. Solar plexus is all about willpower, having that confidence. So again it says here I choose to live with courage, I do not allow others to intimidate me, I stand my ground and I never give up. You know, beautiful energy butterflies Spring in a wild offering oracle here, calling and messages from the spirits of guides for the week ahead, welcoming in the new moon and Pisces.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so we have here contentment butterflies that says you can learn to rest in what you already have and already are. Suddenly, you remember, I am nowày, we've FREEDOMED IN' Especially when I wasat, correspondingly, of course, almost literally, they put me to sleep and already are. Suddenly, you remember, I'm right here, resting in God. Yes, divine energy. So to see here this courage and also contentment, it's almost like being satisfied with what you have. How can you appreciate what you already have in front of you? But, most more importantly here, how can you appreciate who you are and what you've gone through to this point Again, this butterfly here, it's almost like the butterfly is coming out of the woods and coming into itself. So now many of you are content with who you are, you're content with what you bring. So it's a beautiful, powerful energy of this butterfly opening its wings, coming out of the woods and being content and resting in the spirit of the divine.

Speaker 2:

Here, beautiful energy, I want to bring in an African goddess energy. Let's bring in an African goddess energy, calling in African goddess energies from the ancestors and spiritual guides for the week ahead, calling in African goddess energies from the spiritual guides for the week ahead that came out right away. So I'm seeing here sacred lust with the goddess Katesh, sacred loves. Let's go into sacred lust here. Let's read more.

Speaker 2:

So Katesh is the goddess of sacred lusts from Egypt. Her temple is the lovers and her element is fire. Katesh, the mistress of the gods, is the Egyptian goddess of sacred sexuality, ecstasy and fertility. Her two men, yes, are fertility god men and mantu, the god of war. Katesh's guidance says you are an erotic creature. You have a divine right to experience sensual ecstasy. It is sacred to give and receive pleasure. The embodiment here is you deserve to feel good, it feels good to feel good. So allow yourself to feel good. Lean into your sacred lust, turn up your own fire and quench your thirst. Dance with pleasure. You daring to embrace your sensuality will set the world on fire. And the goddess declaration here is it feels good to feel good. So there's some sexual energy that's definitely coming through here, butterflies For many of you the spices energy, this new moon energy. Again, there's a lot of love and relationships that comes through here. So I'm not surprised to see that there's this Katesh goddess energy that's coming through as well.

Speaker 2:

The number of top here is 26. So there's a number here of eight, which is all about authority. So there could be something about having authority over your body. There was also an energy that came through for those of you that maybe are in relationships and you're not as satisfied, which can be really specific to someone. The guides are calling you to really honor yourself, to pleasure yourself, to be with yourself. So allow yourself to be in that energy of just your own sexual gratification, not necessarily relying on someone else to provide that for you.

Speaker 2:

And there's an energy here with Katesh, of being able to own her body. You can see here she has her arms splayed out and there's two men here in a moon above her. So there's an energy of allowing those eyes to be on you, not shying away from it, especially if you have, maybe, some confidence you're working to work on with your body and your sexuality. Allow those eyes to be on you. And there's also this energy for those of you that might be within multi relationships, poly relationships. Allow yourself to understand yourself in these dynamics that might be really specific, but understand yourself in those dynamics and what it means for yourself and your pleasure. But also remember, if you're on your own or within a relationship, don't rely on anyone else to satisfy you. Define your own pleasure within Beautiful energy we're just going to set these to the side. We'll come back to these. Let's bring in your base hero here.

Speaker 2:

Butterflies, calling and messages from the spiritual guides for the week ahead. Welcoming in the new moon and Pisces. Calling and messages from the spiritual guides welcoming in the new moon and Pisces. Welcoming in the energy for each life realm for the week ahead. Welcoming in the new moon and Pisces Music Today. Butterflies within your elevation of spirit.

Speaker 2:

Here I'm seeing the king of swords Within your healing. I'm seeing the two of swords, the lovers, within your work and business endeavors, the two of pentacles within your personal life, and I'm also seeing the high priestess reversed within unexpected surprises. So there's an energy here of needing to trust your intuition. We do have this energy of Neptune coming through with Pisces energy, so it's important to make sure that you have a clear vision on what's being communicated to you spiritually. So, as your guides are speaking with you, don't shy away from it as what's coming through. There might be some of you that don't trust what you're hearing, and the guides are asking you to trust what you're hearing. Trust what they're working to convey to you through actions, through signs. Allow yourself to hear it. It might be an unexpected thing. You didn't want to hear, but you need to hear. I'm also seeing here within your personal life.

Speaker 2:

With the two of pentacles, some of you are really balancing a lot, so it's almost like your job, your occupation. There's a lot of work that needs to be done for you and that's a good thing that you're doing it, but there's something about you need to bring greater balance because it's starting to affect your personal life, your relationships. We're going to get some insight in here. But also this could be budget. So some of you could be working to manage budget within the household. So perhaps you're trying to find the right combination of money and how to spend it, the right combination of how to speak clearly and also speak with kindness about money within your relationships. But there's just something here about making sure that you actually are juggling the right priorities. Some of you might not be juggling the right priorities financially and also work-wise, and that's affecting your personal life.

Speaker 2:

I am seeing the Lovers card within your work and business endeavors, so there's some good partnerships that could come in. I also saw that the Lovers card came out flipped, so there could be some partnerships from the past that are coming through, or maybe some partnerships that you expected that are not happening at this time, but I do see that there's going to be a key partnership that's coming in for many of you. It's important to give yourself time to look at everything Really, have the conversation and see how you align and how you think business-wise, how you communicate your schedule. There's just some importance with it being flipped out with this Gemini energy. I am seeing within your healing the two of swords. So there's a decision that some of you need to make within your healing for your benefit, but the guides are saying you're over-analyzing the situation. So we're going to get some clarity here, and I do see that within your elevation of spirit there's a king of swords energy so high in a leg that some of you are taking on being able to really understand exactly what needs to be done. Many of you are in the throne of your intelligence, so you're being able to communicate clearly. People understand you and your voice and how you speak is elevating you to this next level, so that's really good. Let's get some clarifying energy in here butterflies Calling and clarifying energy for the week ahead. Clarifying energy for each life realm. Clarifying energy for each life realm.

Speaker 2:

I am seeing here, with your elevation of spirit, supporting the king of swords, I'm seeing the wheel of fortune reverse and I'm also seeing the daughter of wands. There's this energy of possibly fatherhood. A father that's really intelligent, really smart, but it's maybe not the right time to have this conversation with the wheel of fortune being reversed. This daughter of wands she seems like she's a traveler. Perhaps there's a father who's really intelligent and a daughter that's more of a free spirit, that likes to travel, that likes to see the world, showing here that it's not quite the time to have heavy conversations. So make sure that you are moving through patiently, tough conversations. You're moving through with love, tough conversations and feeling called to say that from the spiritual guides. But there's a need here to really focus on where this daughter of Wands is wanting to go. It's almost like she needs to find her own way. And this father, this king of swords, is not necessarily an agreement, where he has a certain way of saying things, which is great, but I do see that the wisdom of the father is actually staying with the daughter.

Speaker 2:

So there's an energy here of elevate with that intelligence. Be free spirited and be mindful of the time. You might not wanna jump out right away. Think about what your father would say. Is what's coming out Like if you're traveling on your own. What would your father say? And also, if you are that father, how are you actually maybe hindering this daughter of Wands, this young, adventurous Aries, lee or Sagittarius? There's an energy here of needing to have this tug and pull and have some understanding across the two personalities. Clawing and clarifying energy for the two of swords. Clawing and clarifying energy for the two of swords. Clawing and clarifying energy for the two of swords. I am seeing that some of you have felt like you needed to defend yourself with the seven of swords that came out. We're gonna keep moving with the energy.

Speaker 2:

Seeing a mother of knives here with a decision of needing to heal so possibly a Gemini, libra or Aquarius. And I'm also seeing a daughter of coins so a Taurus, virgo or Capricorn. There's a choice here for healing between a mother of knives so a Taurus, virgo or Capricorn daughter, and then a Gemini, libra or Aquarius mother. There's something here about the way that the daughter the daughter desires more stability is what I'm seeing here, and there's not the most stable relationship with the mother and there's a decision here that needs to be made on. Is this the best thing right now to try and nurture this relationship?

Speaker 2:

I can see that the daughter of coins is kind of taking a step back here, but the mother of knives has a very present energy where she's wanting to be able to speak, she's wanting to be able to communicate, she's wanting to be able to say what's on her mind. But it's almost like she's looking for the right time here with these targets. Here she's trying to understand. But the daughter of coins she's working to establish a solid foundation in her life. So there's a decision here of needing to be able to communicate effectively with this two of swords. There's a choice here that needs to happen with the conversation, and it's important that you're not over analyzing the situation with the two of swords, because I see that these two energies are almost at a stalemate. There's definitely this repeated energy coming through between elevation of spirit and also the healing. It's like you have to navigate your relationships first and you have to understand who they are as individuals. Who are you as individuals within your family? How are you communicating within your family so that you can get out of this stalemate energy? But I do see that until there's a clear decision that's made, perhaps on the side of the mother of knives here, until she actually makes a choice. You have to choose if that's right for you, if you are that mother or if you are the daughter.

Speaker 2:

Call on the messages from the spiritual guides clarifying energy for work and business endeavors. Clarifying energy for work and business endeavors so I've seen there's a past Leo with a son here, a very confident energy, someone that's in your workspace or within community, and I'm also seeing that there's an areas with the emperor here that's coming through. So for some of you, there's a need to make sure you are bold in what you want to do within your partnerships and also that you have things laid out clearly. The emperor has things laid out very clearly and I can see these energies coming together. It's almost like some of you are questioning yourselves and whether you are ready or capable of coming into a partnership. You're ready, you have everything that you need, but you just have to move forward with it, like that Aries would. But it's almost like the guides are reminding you of some past energies. Let's just pull in one more card here and I'm seeing the six of wands. There's a celebration that's coming in here. So allow yourself to be confident in your partnerships, to move forward in what you know, because the guides are bringing in here, with the six of wands, great celebration energy around you. Lots of praises are going to come to your work, but you just need to continue to stay within the work of connection, get out network, do what you need to do to build that confidence up again. But I do see that celebration is coming in for many of you with that six of wands energy Clawing and clarifying energy for personal life, welcoming in the new moon and Pisces energy for personal life.

Speaker 2:

Mmm, okay, supporting the two of Pentacles. I am seeing the Ace of Wands upright and also the Death Card upright. So there could be some energy here, possibly with a Scorpio, a spark. It's almost like something has to end before newness can begin. If you're not dealing directly with a Scorpio but with the Ace of Wands, this is that on button. So again, bringing in the energy of the Goddess Katesh, that sacred lust, that energy is wide and very clear here with the Ace of Wands. This could expand across so many romantic areas within your personal life. There's a very wide tree here. So allow yourself to have this kind of sexual energy.

Speaker 2:

For some of you, I can see that the balance or imbalance that you have right now and working too hard or just having too much going on work wise is affecting your love life and the guides are saying, hey, it's time to step into your sensuality. Perhaps you feel like it's the other way around, where if you're in a partnership, you don't feel as much sensuality from your partner as you would like, as much intimacy as you would like, and the guides are saying it's time to step into that and let it be known, because the attraction is still there If you are single. This is a time to find some balance and put yourself out there with this Ace of Wands energy. It's showing that you're going to bring some great attraction that you could kind of call in that partner or partners, depending on your preference, or, if you're not looking for a partnership at all, just know that you have that capability of being able to satisfy yourself. But I do see that you're coming into a new season. It's kind of the death of the old is going out and now you're coming into a new blossom and bloom within yourself. So allow yourself to come into that energy and let's look here at the unexpected surprises, calling and clarifying energy for unexpected surprises.

Speaker 2:

So I am seeing a new beginning here that's happening with a mother of coin, so a Taurus, virgo or Capricorn. There's a new beginning that's happening here, a way to start afresh. This may be surprising. I'm getting this energy of a tough relationship with a motherly Taurus, virgo or Capricorn. This could be a feminine mother, grandmother, aunt, someone that has that kind of authority and has a way of maintaining that comfort in your life. Perhaps you've been a little bit strained from this relationship, but I'm also seeing that this could be a mother or a feminine figure in your life that is passed on for some of you.

Speaker 2:

Again, the guides are saying with the high priestess, there could be a sign coming your way unexpectedly that allows you to have this new beginning, almost like the spiritual guides are ushering you into a new. Look out for that, just stay open to it and trust yourself when you see it. I'm almost getting this energy like there's a spiritual connection that you have to this maternal figure where, when it comes through, it's very specific to you, like it's a message, it's something on the ground, it's something you'll see and it's showing like hey, I'm here and it's time for you to start anew. Trust your intuition, don't fight it. It's what's coming through here. Okay, let's bring in some closing oracles here.

Speaker 2:

Butterflies Again, if you are interested in joining me on the 30-day spiritual cleanse, make sure you connect and sign up via email at Monique's Carolcom. I'd love to have you all join the butterfly family in the conversation on the email spaces. Let's see I'm filling call to some Akashic tarot here and also close things out with some melanated oracles Calling and messages from the spiritual guides for the week ahead. Hmm, so I'm seeing here the divine physician. The divine physician is coming through with the Akashic tarot, an energy of celebration, an energy of healing. I'm seeing that for some of you, there will be some very good news with your medical. There's healing that's coming in. The divine physician always brings that energy, almost as if some of you are being touched with a miracle that welcomes in that Pisces energy. But there's also some of you have these healing hands with this being Akashic tarot. So this is energy that you bring to others and some of you are physically providing that healing.

Speaker 2:

But the message that came through right away was that some of you are going to receive this miracle of healing on your bodies.

Speaker 2:

So allow yourself to stand in that energy, to stand in that miracle and to receive the healing on your body.

Speaker 2:

And then bringing a starlight oracle. I'm seeing here cosmic womb, cosmic womb. So you have all of the moon cycles here and this is a beautiful oracle, just welcoming in this 30 day spiritual cleanse here and it says seek connection with oneself, as you are a source of empowerment and life, and here lies your divine insight and here lies your divine insight. So there's a need here to connect with self, especially with this new moon and Pisces. Connect with that inner emotion. Don't shy away from it. Allow yourself to have this divine insight Again. Seek connection with oneself as you are a source of empowerment and life, and here lies your divine insight. And we saw that with your opening butterfly affirmation. It read I chose, I choose to live with courage. I did not allow others to intimidate me. I stand my ground and I never give up. So there's this energy of being able to fully connect, being able to fully be in that energy and power of who you are. Stand within that butterflies, be confident within that energy.

Speaker 2:

Okay let's bring in a melanated oracle here. Melanated oracle energies for the week ahead. Yeah, this is definitely standing out. So we have this cosmic energy here of release them. You see this moon on this day coming into this season of renewal. You have these five fireworks that are shooting up from the moon and it says release them, this intuitive purple energy. And it reads here when we experience heartbreak, we tend to fall into the nostalgia of what used to be. We quickly get wrapped up in affirming what was instead of what is.

Speaker 2:

When someone or something rejects you, remind yourself of this new reality and adjust your mind and body's proximity to them. Allow yourself to release them. Holding on would be a breach of the promises you've made to yourself. Allow yourself to release them. Holding on would be a breach of the promises you've made to yourself. Write a letter is the suggestion here describing the situation? Or put the person or things you name you wish to release on a piece of paper and burn and release this energy. And it says I'm confident in my ability to release people and situations from my life.

Speaker 2:

Yes, butterflies, you have this ability, when we saw this earlier to be content. There's a calling here to be content. You can learn to rest in what you already have and already are. And suddenly you remember I'm right here, resting in the divine and also this Katesh energy. If you were expecting someone else to satisfy you physically, sensually, sexually. You have that ability within yourself. So release that need. Release that need but enjoy it if you have it, but release the need to rely on others. What's coming out here, butterflies, is the unicorn oracles just spread across the table is rebirth. So our final oracle here is rebirth. It says reinvent yourself, give life to your dreams and create a new reality. And let's actually bring in one more. It has this beautiful womb energy. Just bring in one more. Actually, that's all the guides are allowing me to do. So I will respect that energy With that butterflies. That is all I'm being called to bring you all this week.

Speaker 2:

Thank you all so much for connecting with the messages. Let me know how these messages this week resonated with you. I'm sending you all off here with some sacred Palo Santo. Same Thank you to your spiritual teams. Thank you to your ancestors for allowing you to connect with these messages today and thanking them for their protective energy as they move with you throughout the week. Thank you to the ancestors for allowing these messages to be possible. Again, connect with me on the 30 day spiritual cleanse. I am looking forward to communicating with you. For those of you that are subscribed to the newsletter, the only thing you need to do is show up to your email, and for those of you that are interested, be sure to subscribe at MoniqueSterilecom. Until next time, butterflies, have a beautiful, beautiful week ahead and speak soon. Bye.

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