Monique's Tarot Podcast

Save Your Strength, Consider This

Monique's Tarot 🦋 Season 4 Episode 2

Send Monique a Message

This week, we're voyaging into a realm of spiritual reflection, where the lingering eclipse energies encourage The Collective to "Find Your Peace". Embrace this week's oracle's wisdom as we uncover the essence of patience and divine timing. 

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☀️ You are light

☀️ You are abundant

☀️ You are expansive

Monique is a lifetime vivid lucid dream who has embraced the self-recognition of her spiritual awakening, spiritual expansion, and metaphysical connections. Through the calling and discovery of unlocking hidden spiritual gifts within her family history, she seeks to support others in their spiritual connection, self-awareness, and shared purpose in this lifetime.

Monique's Tarot 🦋

Speaker 1:

Hello, butterflies, hello, hello, welcome to Monique's Tarot. How are you, butterflies? I hope all is going well, as we welcome in this energy for the week ahead. To get things started here, let's just burn a bit of Palo Santo. To get things started here, let's just burn a bit of Palo Santo, welcoming in those messages from the spiritual guides and also clearing out that energy that no longer serves us, as always. Butterflies, thank you all so much for your likes, subscribes, your shares across all of the Monique's Tarot spaces. For those of you that are reading via moniquesterotcom Medium Substack, thank you so much for receiving those messages via text each and every week, and also remember that you can subscribe at Substack to the newsletter that's also on the website as well. So if you want to know as soon as these messages are released, make sure you sign up for the newsletter.

Speaker 1:

So, butterflies, let's talk about this energy that we're experiencing right now. There's so much energy that's still holding true after the eclipse energy, and we've also moved through some Scorpio energy with the last moon, which allowed us to go really deep, which is really nice. So there's a lot that's coming up, especially as we get deeper into the spring season, and there's this energy of kind of being in your peace. I noticed that that term has been coming up a lot for me. It's been a lot in conversations with friends, and so just this energy of being in your peace and that Scorpio moon energy really flushed a lot of that out. So I hope you all are enjoying finding this newness within yourself, being confident in what you offer and also knowing those personal boundaries for others and making sure that you have what you need when you need it, but also acknowledging that to be able to fully give to others you have to recharge yourself. So stay within that peaceful energy and with that let's get into a guided message from the spiritual guides Calling and messages from the spiritual guides for the week ahead Calling and messages from the spiritual guides for the week ahead. Calling and messages from the spiritual guides for the week ahead.

Speaker 1:

So we have this beautiful solar plexus yellow that's coming out here. You can see this butterfly. It's just perched on its branch here. There's a little bit of moss on this branch, but you can also see that there's kind of this brown, yellow, translucent energy. It's almost like I'm getting this energy of someone who has experience that's coming through here, someone who's maybe between the ages of 40 and 50.

Speaker 1:

There's something out that's standing out about the strength of this individual. This could's something out that's standing out about the strength of this individual. This could be you, or maybe this could be a family member around you, but it's almost like within the wings here. There's a certain weathering to it, but there's a strength to it and I'm also still seeing that there's some vibrancy. So it's almost like someone who has experience in life. They still have this vibrancy. But there's almost like someone who has experience in life. They still have this vibrancy. But there's an exterior here of strength that has been required, and I can also see here like there's a certain darkness to the body of this butterfly. So there's a lot of protection. Maybe some of you feel like there's someone, if you're not in between 40 and 50, that is protecting you, that has this certain amount of strength that they exhibit. But it's like there's someone, if you're not in between 40 and 50, that is protecting you, that has this certain amount of strength that they exhibit. But it's like there's a will here that's coming through with this yellow solar plexus, like how much energy can you actually provide or how much strength can you actually exude. There's just a lot of strength coming through here.

Speaker 1:

So the butterfly affirmation reads I'm a unique child of the universe. Perfectly me, exactly as I'm meant to be. I'm a unique child of the universe perfectly me, exactly as I'm meant to be. Beautiful energy there. Let's just bring in a wild offering oracle. Calling in wild, offering oracle energies for the week ahead. Calling in wild offering oracle energies for the week ahead, the week ahead On, and wild offering of Oracle energies for the week ahead. Okay, so I'm seeing here impatience. It says my life is unfolding in divine timing. All delays are beneficial. I'm always at the right place at the right time. Yeah, there's just this energy of being strong and kind of like man. I wish I didn't have to be so strong for so long. That's been coming through. Again, that note of like, how long can you keep up that strength?

Speaker 1:

The guides are putting this reminder forward here of there's a benefit in delays. Sometimes we want things to happen right when we are ready for them, but there's a certain thing of the time that's needed to prepare you for it, because in this waiting phase you're able to prepare, you're able to learn some lessons, you're able to kind of get what's needed. So what is this? Patience that you need, and also to remember, with this reminder of the right place at the right time, everything that you need will be provided for. So know that you are taken care of, even if it may seem like it's taken a little bit longer for things to get there.

Speaker 1:

I'm feeling called to bring in some muse energy here and then we'll get to your base tarot Calling and messages from the spiritual guides for the week ahead. So we have here a ritual for your Muse Oracle here. You can see here there's a body of a feminine, a feminine body within a dress, green, green energy, which is connected to the heart, and I can see here that there's an orb in red that's surrounding here. So a lot of like pushing yourself energy, grounding energy that's needed here through ritual. You can see that there are the candles above the rose head here and there are five candles, and five is always about freedom. There's a certain expression that comes through spiritually when we enter into ritual and that expression often comes out in allowing us to see ourselves, allowing us to understand ourselves in a new way, understand ourselves in a new way.

Speaker 1:

It's almost like the guides are for those of you that may be in that age range of 40 to 50. We may be experiencing a bit of impatience. There's a call here to really think about how much energy are you grounding yourself in as you're exuding your strength, because if you're not grounded in your strength then it can wear you out. It can make you feel a little bit impatient because you're trying to live and exude your actions on just the strength of your body versus the strength of ritual. And again, for those of you that may have a figure, there's something about a feminine figure that's coming through, particularly for this age of 40 to 50, or someone that has a lot of feminine energy. Make sure that you are allowing them to move through some ritual of grounding themselves. And there's something here about connecting with nature. To see a butterfly here. There's a transformation point that's getting ready to happen with ritual and there's a transformation point that's getting ready to happen with the strength of those that are in this energy of needing to be able to really define themselves in a new way and be patient in a new way, able to really define themselves in a new way and be patient in a new way. We're just going to put these to the side. We'll come back to these. Very strong energy, strong, strong energy. Let's bring in some base tarot here. Calling and messages from the spiritual guides for the week ahead. Calling and messages from the spiritual guides for the week ahead. Calling the messages from the spiritual guides for the week ahead. Calling and messages from the spiritual guides for the week ahead. Calling and messages from the spiritual guides for the week ahead Strong energies. Calling. Messages from the spiritual guides for the week ahead Strong energies. So within your elevation of spirit, butterflies. I'm seeing the Ten of Swords reversed Within your Healing. I'm seeing a dual message between the Queen of Swords and also the Knight of Cups here. So we'll get into that energy With Work and Business Endeavors. I'm seeing the Eight of Pentacles. I'm seeing the Seven of Pentacles within your personal life and then I'm also seeing wise counselor within unexpected surprises and I actually, for personal life, I'm gonna get one more clarifier in here calling and clarifying energy for Personal Life, calling in Clarifying Energy for Personal Life, with the Seven ofnacles reversed. Okay, thank you, I'll receive those messages. I'll come back to these so I can see that some of you, within your elevation of spirit, you're coming out of this like tumultuous time of conversation with the Ten of Swords being reversed. It's like maybe there were some ill words that were being said, possibly a group of people that were kind of more malice with their words. I can see the worst of that is over. So you're coming out of that energy of needing to be so in conflict with conversation or conflict with how you're actually talking to one another. So that's beautiful energy to see that shift. And I can also see within healing for this week ahead. We see the Queen of Swords upright along with the Knight of Cups, so there's an energy of possibly a Gemini, libra or Aquarius very strong Gemini, libra and Aquarius and also a King of Cups. So Cancer, scorpio, pisces that are coming together in this healing energy, that are coming together in this healing energy. Now, to see this within healing, this could also mean that you're uniting in how you talk and how you relate to each other. So talking from the energy of the feminine so very sharp tongue, very smart, very intelligent, knowing exactly what to say in healing but also from the heart, though, leading with that masculine. So not always wanting to just solve things with the heart, but actually do and demonstrate that energy with the heart, so being able to have that action of the Knight of Cups, where there's a balanced energy of love and a balanced energy of wanting to actually court in some ways. So it's almost like there are two people where they're not just talking the talk, but they're also demonstrating these things through action and able to talk through it. And with there being this King and Knight energy, it's like a united energy of connection. Now, because this is within healing, this also could be family too. This could be friends. This could be people within your community. So if there's been any kind of disagreements between a Gemini, libra, aquarius possibly feminine energy or a Cancer, scorpio, pisces energy, there's just a lot of uniting and understanding what the other person offers and just honoring what you all do best, or you both do best, if that makes sense. Now I am seeing within work and business endeavors here the eight of pentacles. So this is a beautiful energy because you're learning more during this time. It's almost like going back to the basics, but I'm not getting quite like going back to the beginning. It's almost like you're continuing that growth. You're continuing to learn in the situation and also, with the Eight of Pentacles energy, it's apprentice energy, so there could be someone that comes into your mentorship sphere where they can teach you some new things if you're not the one doing the teaching. But this is a great moment of growth and continuing to hone in on those skills that you know. So don't be afraid to go deeper in your learning. It's always nice to learn because you can kind of elevate to that next level when you sharpen your skills. That's the energy that's coming through. So I'm looking at the seven of coins energy within your personal life. I am seeing here that when we looked at the supporting energy, there was the two of coins and also the queen of wands that came out. There's something about it not being the right time to really invest, possibly within this relationship. There's something about you not being the right time to really invest, possibly within this relationship. There's something about you're juggling too much and there may be a need to really focus in on yourself. Or, if you are within a stabilized relationship, meaning a long-term commitment or a marriage, it might be this time where you really look at how much energy are you giving out, because that queen of wands energy if not a particular Aries, leo or Sagittarius it could mean that you're not looking at yourself within the best light. So really think about what you are bringing to the table, how you're actually talking through things. But there just seems to be some disagreement with what you have to juggle within your life and you can't really invest right now within your relationship as much time as you need to With the supporting energy of wise counselor. Within unexpected surprises there's a call from the spiritual guides to maybe talk through unexpectedly with someone that can have a really good perspective on your life as a whole here. So, looking at some spiritually minded communities, if you're feeling a little bit different, especially within your relationships, you feel like you're juggling too much, using too much of that strength. This is the time to really step into that energy of asking for that support Again, that mentorship energy with work, because they have new ideas and they've gone through so many of those trials and they've gone through so many of those paths that you may be looking to get into. So don't be afraid to speak with that outside counselor. Now, butterflies, remember, as we look at the energy here, it's important this week to step into your ritual, especially for those of you that may be experiencing some impatience, particularly within the ages of 40 to 50, because the guides are calling in a reminder that you have strength, but you need to make sure your strength is based and rooted in who you are, based in your heart, based in not just relying on the physical body to execute the work but to also call out to spiritual guides to help you. Your butterfly affirmation reads I am a unique child of the universe perfectly me, exactly as I am meant to be. Let's pull in one last closing article here, one last closing unicorn oracle Calling and messages from the spiritual guides for the week ahead. And look at that. We have strength. We have strength. I love when it aligns like that Strength here says this challenge will make you stronger. You will get through it to the other side. Look for the gifts in this situation. And right at the bottom of the deck, just pulling up that energy. It says expansion. It says spread your wings and soar, share your message and shine your light. Show the world what you are made of. Beautiful, beautiful energy butterflies With that. That is all I'm being called to read at this time, just sending you all off here with some supporting Palo Santo, santo. It is always such an honor to bring these messages to you all each and every week. And, as always, butterflies, thank you so much for your supporting spiritual teams and trusting me and allowing you to receive this message Until next time, butter butterflies, speak soon. Bye.

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