Monique's Tarot Podcast
Monique is a mystic, tarot energy reader, and lifetime vivid lucid dreamer who has embraced the self-recognition of her spiritual awakening, spiritual expansion, and metaphysical gifts to help others.
Monique's Tarot Podcast
World Prayer + Live Reading 🔴
A special collective reading and World Prayer.
Welcome to Monique's Tarot Podcast a place where we celebrate the light, abundance, and expansive energy you bring to this world. If today's reading has served you please subscribe and share with your community.
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☀️ You are light
☀️ You are abundant
☀️ You are expansive
Monique is a lifetime vivid lucid dream who has embraced the self-recognition of her spiritual awakening, spiritual expansion, and metaphysical connections. Through the calling and discovery of unlocking hidden spiritual gifts within her family history, she seeks to support others in their spiritual connection, self-awareness, and shared purpose in this lifetime.
Monique's Tarot 🦋
Hello, butterflies, hello, hello, welcome to Monique's Tarot. How are you, butterflies? I hope all is going well. I want to just thank you for welcoming in on this very special live. This is actually my first time going live and I wanted to open up a space because there's just so much that's happening and going on in the world and I thought that this would be a really nice opportunity for us to just connect and join in prayer. So, as some of you enter into the space, feel free to make note in the chat. Also, this will be recorded. So after the stream, I'll also put this out on the podcast for those that are unable to join at this time, and also make sure to put it on the blog as well.
Speaker 2:So, as many of you know, there's a lot that's happening overseas right now within Gaza, the conflict between Israel and Palestine and recently within Rafah, and a lot of that is really what has sparked happening with natural disaster and environment and just overall space that people consider to be safe right now. So it's so important that we connect and have these opportunities to really join, to really connect, to really kind of come in and hone in on what's important and also make sure that we are centering ourselves and our spiritual paths together. So, as we're moving through this here today, I'm actually I will be pulling some tarot and I am going to offer this opportunity where, if you have special requests for a reading, feel free to join the chat for that special request for a reading. The first thing I want to do here is just bring in some Palo Santo welcoming in those messages from the spiritual guides and also clearing out that energy that no longer serves us. As always, butterflies. It is such an honor to bring these messages to you all each and every week. For myself personally, I also have been moving through some deep, deep healing, taking some space, some time. There's been a lot of opportunity and blessings that have come in recently for me, so I've been also paying attention to that. So thank you all for connecting each and every week right at monixcherocom and also on the podcast as well.
Speaker 2:So, as we enter into this prayer, this is timeless, so I just want to request that you center yourself in your space, take a minute to close your eyes and take a deep breath in and out. Let's take another deep breath in and out and out as we start this prayer. If you haven't done so already. Grab a candle. Bring that candle into your space. Just something that's calming, something that you can hold on to. Maybe that's a sacred gem, sacred stone, sacred necklace, sacred bracelet, whatever that may be. Just take an opportunity to center yourself with something that you can hold. Let's take another deep breath in and out. One more deep breath in and out.
Speaker 2:I'm being called right now to this vision of light. It almost feels like there's a bright light that's coming in, and I just want you to picture this light coming toward you. Maybe it's starting off in the distance and the light is slowly coming toward your body. Just allow it to come closer to you. And as it's starting to come closer to you, think about the warmth of this orb. Think about what it would feel like to be cocooned inside this warm orb of light. Take a moment to breathe as the orb starts to get closer to your body and as you prepare to be fully engulfed by this orb, I want you just to put your hands on your knees. Just put your hands on your knees and allow yourself to start to see the light underneath your eyelids, if you're not already closing your eyes. The light underneath your eyelids if you're not already closing your eyes. Allow that light to slowly come in, and I want you to envision this light as a cleansing. Think about the light cleansing your body from top to bottom, completely washing away anything that may not be serving you, completely washing away fear and doubt, completely washing away anxiety. Continue to stay in the warmth of this orb, in the power of this orb, and as you're allowing this warm orb to come in, I want you to think about fully releasing. What is it that you need to release at this time? What are you bringing to today's prayer? Allow the orb's light to pulse through your body. Allow the orb's light to pulse through your body to take a hold of that worry, to take a hold of that concern. Take another deep breath in and out and out. Take one more deep breath in and out.
Speaker 2:Now, as you're sitting in the light of this orb, I want you to think about where you're feeling it within your body. Let's start from the crown chakra down. So allow yourself to envision the top of your crown opening, the top of your crown just widening, allowing more and more of the source of that orb of light that just came towards your body to come into your body. Picture that light funneling in opening your vessel, opening that crown chakra, you may start to feel some of this light within your belly, streaming down your shoulders, crossing across your collarbone, going down into your heart, filling the well of your belly, completely filling all those joints of your hips. Just allow that light to continue to stream down to your thighs, the tops of your knees, and let that stream of light continue to go down the forearms, just the front of those legs of yours, those strong legs, and down to your feet. You should start to feel your feet swelling at this time when you're filled with light like this and continue to keep your eyes closed.
Speaker 2:But when you're filled with light like this, this is an opportunity for your body to call in that energy, that deeper energy, that deeper ancestral and spiritual energy. What are those things that you'd like to call in? Maybe it's peace at this time for the world. Perhaps, now that you have this orb of light around you, you'd like to call in peace of mind. Maybe there's some needs that aren't quite met for you, that you'd like to have met. Whatever it is, allow your body to be a vessel for that prayer.
Speaker 2:As the prayers are starting to move through, I'm just going to burn a bit of Palo Santo here, opening up the space even more for the spiritual guides and ancestors to come through. Continue to stay in the space of this light, honoring your own individual prayer first, and as you're doing that, I'm just going to bring in a butterfly affirmation here, calling in a message from the spiritual guides for this time to join you in your prayer. There's two messages here that are coming up joining you in this light of this orb, we have two butterflies there's a butterfly with a very white, bright flower on it and there's also this vibrant orange flower, so almost connecting with that sacral chakra, but also the solar plexus as well, and there's a little bit of heart opening. That's happening here, almost like this message of purity that's coming out to allow the energy just to flow through you, to allow this light to really just wash through what you need and to wash through that extension as well. If you think about that orb of light that just traveled toward you, it traveled past so many other energies, but that light, the direction of connecting with you, is sacred. It's such a sacred thing to connect directly with you. And so if we look at just this white butterfly here.
Speaker 2:What it's saying here is it's easy for me to attract all that I need into my life. I do this by relaxing and trusting that things are going to work out perfectly. I'll read that again it's easy for me to attract all that I need into my life. I do this by relaxing and trusting that things are going to work out perfectly. So often we want things to be just so, and especially during this time when there's so much uneasiness worldwide. Of course there's that energy of wanting things to be just so. But there's a call here to relax and trust the process. To relax and trust and know that things will work out in their own time. Continue to stay in that orb of light butterflies. Continue to stay in that. I'm just going to read one more butterfly affirmation here. It says life is good to me. Life is good to me.
Speaker 2:Let's take a deep breath in and out. Let's take one more deep breath in and out and one more deep breath in and out. There's such beauty in breath and prayer. And if you haven't done so already, allow yourself to kind of just feel your legs as you're sitting there and meditating through this. There's a lot of energy that can be held in our legs and the things that support us held in our legs and the things that support us and for those of you that maybe don't have able bodies with your legs, maybe you're holding it within your hips, supporting your torso, that you're with every day, but allow yourself to just kind of massage that area that supports you.
Speaker 2:This extension of prayer through our bodies and being able to channel out here is allowing you to really connect with the core of your stability. So how are you rooting? How is the world rooting right now is a big thing, and so we call in a prayer for rooting the earth. We call in a prayer for rooting those that need to be grounded at this time, for those that need to be stabilized in their minds. We call in a prayer for those that need the opportunity to see things beyond what they know, things that are familiar, to call in that collective energy that can surround us and allow us to have this connection to each other in a way that is unique and intentional, so that we may see each other and heal each other and hear each other.
Speaker 2:We call on a prayer to open ears, to allow those within leadership to hear one another, to allow those that need to really understand the needs and need to understand the necessary steps to halt and necessary steps to make sure that things are stabilized and safe. We ask that those things come in now. We ask that for those that are seeking safety and shelter whether it be to environmental conditions, to war, to famine, to needing to relocate we ask that those needs be met. We ask that there are clear individuals that are needing that connection to safety and needing that connection to understand more than their circumstance at this time. We ask that their needs be surpassed, that our orbs continue to extend out to them and offering a path and a river and the flow of emotion so that their emotions can be supported, so that their emotions can be healed, so that their emotions can be connected across spiritual planes to those that maybe they have lost, to those loved ones that they are looking to reconnect with in the afterlife, to reconnect with in the extension of the spiritual plane, extension of the spiritual plane to reconnect with, to find that vision of what they should do next.
Speaker 2:May you find clarity for them, spiritual guides and ancestors and where they are going. May you find clarity and provide clarity and making sure that they hear first and step second. May you have clear paths for them in being able to sleep. May the dreams and visions of those that have seen the things that have happened around the world may they be cleared. May they see those events and may they see those things that are happening out right now and allow them to be cleansed within their spirit and not to take in everything and hold it so that it torments their bodies and torments their minds and spirits. May there be a peace and resolution in the collective. Students and young minds that are working to uplift their spirits, to have voice and to be vocal in the act of injustice and to be vocal in the act of injustice. May there be new ways of connecting with what we need and seeing the collective needs as a whole.
Speaker 2:Butterflies let's take a deep breath in and out. Let's take a deep breath in and out. Let's take another deep breath in. Let's start to bring our energy systems back again. Continue to hold that orb of light within your body right now. Continue to hold that orb of light, this orb of light that you have built. You are now carrying new energy source, a new energy source that allows you to connect with others in a more intentional way, a more guided way, a lighter way, a way that feels more gentle and protected, spiritual Glides. I ask that for all those that listen to this, whether it be live or in the recording of the podcast or watching the video later May they be protected in the energy that they receive. May they be able to carry this energy and provide healing to those they speak with their words. May they provide comfort to those that they listen to. Butterflies, continue to allow that orb of light to sit with you. We're just going to ask your spiritual teams and ancestors just to close the crown chakra for just a moment. We're going to open that back up in a minute with this reading, but just to close the crown chakra so that you can open your eyes and come back into the safe space safely, just spraying here a bit of sage and rosemary. How do you feel, butterflies? I hope you're feeling lighter and listening to that, I hope that you have been able to cultivate some personal prayers, some things. Maybe some messages came through for you, providing some answers. I hope that that provided some clarity for you.
Speaker 2:Now, with this, we have two butterfly affirmations that have already come out. I'm feeling called to bring in some earth energies. There's a lot of shifts that are happening right now in the earth Environmentally. There are so many shifts that are happening, so I'm going to bring in some elemental oracles here and then we're also going to get into a tarot reading for the week ahead. It's been a while since I've been with you all, so I'm happy to step into this reading and if you enjoy this, you can always send me an email. You can always connect with me directly. Let me know if you like these lives and then maybe we can vote on a time and decide a time that really it speaks to everyone. But I also want these to feel organic and not scheduled, so let me know what you think.
Speaker 2:Butterflies Calling in messages from the spiritual guides for the week ahead, calling in messages from the spiritual guides for the week ahead. What I'm also feeling with this there's a lot of energy that's very shaky. It's like there's a buzz right now that's happening within my system and moving through this reading, but also there's just kind of like this energy of needing to really stabilize across the ecosystem. So we have connection and biome. You have a world view here and you also have, for those of you that can see that you have a worldview here of this biome, but we also have this richness and marine life here. So all of this good water life here, all these different characters and creatures that are under the sea.
Speaker 2:Now, the thing about richness and marine life, when we're thinking about the things that are happening within the world right now, there's a certain woman that stands out here in the center. It's almost as if she is calling, she's reaching out and she's waiting. It's like there's this waiting energy of waiting to be heard, waiting to be seen. It's like the only human inside this bio, but you can see that there's also this algae that's kind of growing out of her hair, and so there's a certain energy of being able to open up our crowns collectively, to open up what we are thinking and taking in and not necessarily speaking. There's a richness to listening that's happening here and it's almost like all of these different the whales, the fishes, the sharks. They're all kind of going around each other and the number atop here is 32, which translates to five.
Speaker 2:There's a need to have freedom and listen. There's freedom in not always having to speak our minds so much to speak up. There's a call here to listen first so that we can grow in what we think and we can grow in what we're seeing. So there's a very clear call there to kind of just listen in and not be so focused on speaking first, which is something that we often do as humans and with connection and biome. It's like there are all these different places around the world and I'm not surprised to see this because there's a need for our structure and our foundation to be revisited. You can see the number 44 up top here, and there's just a call from the guys to really think about what is our foundation, what are those things that we need to do? What are those countries not paying attention to and listening to? And these places that are so sacred? How can we make sure that we are hearing and connecting with all of those? So it's almost like the energy of all of these different players and characters within the ecosystem. They're swirling around each other and there's a very big worldview that's coming out here.
Speaker 2:Beautiful energy here. Okay, let's get into your base. Tarot here. Butterflies calling in messages from the spiritual guides for the week ahead. Calling in messages from the spiritual guides for the week ahead. Calling in intentional messages from the spiritual guides for the week ahead. Okay, so what I'm seeing here within your elevation of spirit, I'm seeing the knight of cups. I've seen the king of cups. I'm seeing the knight of swords within your healing. I'm seeing the nine of swords reversed within your work and business endeavors. The knight of cups within your personal life and within unexpected surprises. There's this empress energy that's coming through so right away butterflies.
Speaker 2:There's a call of honoring the emotions, a mastery that's coming in for many of you with this King of Cups. It's like to master your emotions with the King of Cups Some of you are elevating and to not being so triggered. It's what's coming through as we went through that prayer. There's like the settling of emotions, this well of having this peace and having this calmness and going through that. So there's a certain mastery that's coming in, almost as if the tides are bowing down a little bit. The tides are just calming down a little bit is what's coming through here. So the energy and the emotion. It's almost like we needed to have some type of well here collectively, and I see that there's a certain calm that's getting ready to come here with the emotion, almost as if there's this collective equilibrium where everyone has a similar understanding. Now, it's not to say that there won't be indifference to a King of Cups, but the King of Cups knows how to navigate those waters and get to that point of calm or to that coast here that's sitting here and also, in being able to manage those waters, you're able to see there's this little fish that's in here. I don't know if you all can see that butterflies, but there's a tiny, little, bitty fish in here, and so that fish is like you're able to have calm emotions and you're able to feed yourself and know what to do.
Speaker 2:So if there have been some of you that are maybe trying to figure out how do I make this next move? Where do I go? What's the next step? This is calling in. This energy of you will be able to be fed, you will be able to find those resources, you will be able to have all of your needs met. But there's a call here to really honor your emotions and to take some authority to it. That's what the King of Cups has in taking authority to your emotions allows you to have those needs met and also make sure that you can see exactly what needs to happen. If you've ever been in an argument that's gone on a little bit too long. The waters get choppy emotionally and you can't really see what you were originally arguing about. That's the energy that's coming out here with this King of Cups.
Speaker 2:Now, within your elevation of spirit, I am seeing the Knight of Swords. Within your elevation of spirit, I am seeing the knight of swords. So there's this energy of being really focused, very decisive and driven with things. There's a certain energy that the knight of swords brings with how they speak. So there's a very fast way of thinking youthful ideas, youthful ideas. It's almost like some of you are just getting like sudden ideas and sudden information that do. It's important to make sure you don't move too fast. This is a younger energy with the Knight of Swords, so make sure you're actually taking your time and not rushing through your healing.
Speaker 2:Also, for some of you that are over thinkers, that energy comes through here a little bit as well. But it's like you're starting to understand like, okay, I want to rush forward, but their healing doesn't isn't a rush process. It's something that takes time, but some of you are just your mind is getting to a point where it's just sharper, so there actually could be some moments where you feel like you know what things are happening very fast within your healing, you're ready to move on and you're just in that space where this king of cups, you have that thought authority. So I could see why some of you are just like. You're ready to move on from some of these thoughts things are sharp so that you can be in a stronger emotional state Now for your work and business endeavors.
Speaker 2:Butterflies, I am seeing the nine of swords reverse, so I can see some of you have had a lot of kind of just like misplaced fear in the past not now, but misplaced fear maybe recently. I do see that turning over here, where maybe you've had some late nights over the last couple of weeks or last couple of months just trying to, you know, burn that midnight oil. I do see that that's actually passing, which is really nice to see, and I will bring in some clarifying energy in here just to clarify some of these reversals in here. But I do see, for those of you that have had, like, some late nights, that that's actually coming to a close here, which is really nice to see. So you're going to start to get some rest again Work-wise, you're going to start to really be able to kind of be with yourself and hone in on what you need to do as far as recouping your body, giving back to your body.
Speaker 2:For those of you that maybe had that within your focus, prayer Now within your personal life. For those of you that maybe know a Cancer Scorpio or Piscesine, here with this Knight of Cups, there could be maybe just some older thoughts about this Cancer Scorpio or Pisces. With this Knight energy, it's almost like maybe this person of the past is thinking about a gesture or you're thinking about a time when things were maybe a little bit more romantic. I'll get some clarifying energy in here, but there's just something about past love and for some of you in particular, past Cancer Scorpio or Pisces, that's in here. And I'm also seeing here with an unexpected surprises that there's a very loving energy coming through here with the Empress. There's a need here and a call to really honor those dreams here. Butterflies, some of you are very beautiful right now, very attractive very at this time. So allow yourself to be in that energy with this empress. It may honestly kind of take some of you back the compliments you get, but the empress is also very mothering energy. It's like when she steps out into nature. Nature connects with her. People connect with her. So for some of you, this could even mean like there are some projects that you're working on that could be successful. There's a lot of abundance and prosperity that's coming your way. So stay with the process, because I definitely see that things will manifest in your favor. So continue to stay with that energy.
Speaker 2:Let's just get a few clarifying energies in here for these reversals. Spiritual guides call them clarifying energy for work and business endeavors and also personal life. Yeah, I'm seeing here, like at the bottom of the deck. Yeah, we have the 10 of coins reversed. The guides are saying, still, you still need to do the work. Like, yes, you're coming out of like a time where you had a lot of restless nights, but you still need to do the work. Here, with the knight of swords being reversed, because I'm seeing the three of coins upright. Knight of swords being reversed, because I'm seeing the three of coins upright, there's a need here for teamwork, but I see a lot of good cooperation where you're not having to do so much on your own. And I'm also seeing here within your personal life, along with that knight of cups, that Kings or Scorpio or Pisces, there's also the knight of swords here with that Gemini, libra, aquarius energy.
Speaker 2:There's a certain energy in love where, either, if you are in a relationship and you're in a committed relationship, it's almost like two people are thinking about how they spoke to each other and how they emotionally connected with each other, and, for those of you that are single, it's like you're thinking about times where you really could communicate younger or you really had, like, a good love. There's something to be said for those of you that are thinking about the past in particular Don't get so stuck in the past stories of what happened. It's important to be in the now because, especially with this new Empress energy, there could be some new, unexpected things that come through for you. So stay with the present, with the energy that's here for you now.
Speaker 2:Let's just get two more clarifiers here for work and business endeavors.
Speaker 2:I am seeing the world card upright, so this is a great time for opportunity. Again with this Empress card. Yes, some of you are going to be just very desirable. So stay within this energy of being desirable. That means that you may need to focus on yourself right now. You may need to still stay within the work. Continue to do that, work butterflies, and here with your love life, here, your personal life.
Speaker 2:There's a way that you were speaking, possibly, um, like in the feminine energy, if you're not a feminine yourself. I'm seeing the queen of swords reversed, almost like some of you had a mothering authority, and it doesn't have to be female to male. This could also be just your position within relationship, where you felt like you were more of the mothering type within the relationship. But I'm seeing here that there's something about a very sharp tongue that was being used. Be mindful of that. I do see that some of you are stepping into this energy with the king of cups, where you're more mindful of your emotions, but it's just like this reminder here to think about how you spoke, to not always get so stuck in the things of the past and to see the vibrancy that you are now with the empress, because there's a lot of good work that some of you are doing and you have a lot of good work that some of you are doing and you have a lot of good ideas that are coming through this week. This is just a really prosperous time for you. So stay with this energy and allow yourself again that orb energy that you built with the collective here within the prayer. Stay within that energy butterflies, stay within that energy. Stay within that energy. Okay, to close things out here, I'm just going to bring in some Starlight Oracles. It's been a few weeks, so I'll bring in just a few decks Starlight Oracles, unicorn Oracles, and also bringing in some Loving Oracles in here for you all as well.
Speaker 2:Calling the messages from the spiritual guides for the week ahead, calling the messages from the spiritual guides for the week ahead. Overall, this energy it feels like you're stepping into a new understanding of being a little bit faster, not waiting for things just to happen is the energy that's coming through. Yeah, we have here forgiving and learning that says, as you release and heal the past, you experience more love in your present moments. Yes, we were just talking about that butterflies. It's exactly what it is. Some of you are just forgiving and learning. It's time to just step into the newness of what's happening now. Let's just get one more here. I'm also seeing here attraction. Yeah, you attract romantic love by enjoying this moment fully. We've just been talking about this. That empress energy that was coming through. It's so key to unlocking and releasing those things that are meant for you right now. It's easy to reflect on the past, but again you are in a moment of enjoying the now, enjoying the now. Let's bring in a starlight oracle before our last closing oracle.
Speaker 2:Calling and messages from spiritual guides for the week ahead. Calling and messages from spiritual guides for the week ahead beautiful energy. We don't see this oracle too often, so it's beautiful to see it's divine blueprint. Divine blueprint is the oracle here. So with with divine blueprint here, it says we are unlocking the sacred knowledge embedded in your DNA from your cosmic guardians. And we also have here at the bottom of the deck shapeshifter. It says make sense of this world by understanding the unknown, leave fear behind and shift your perspective, for this is where you will find a new state of awareness.
Speaker 2:We were just talking about that earlier. With this richness and marine life. There's just this energy coming through of being able to listen, being able to hear a little bit more, not speaking so much. Sometimes as humans we want to just speak and have an answer for everything, but there's a call here collectively for us to do some listening as a collective. So that's just a beautiful energy that's coming through here. And also with connection and biome, there's this reminder of all the connections that we're seeing a new structure, a new stability here with the biome, here, with the number 44 that was coming up top. It's important to allow that energy to really come through and move through Again.
Speaker 2:Your first butterfly affirmation it's pure white kind of flower and also a black and red butterfly. It says it's easy for me to attract all that I need into my life. I do this by relaxing and trusting that things are going to work out perfectly. And then we also have here with this amber yellow. It says life is good to me. Life is good to me.
Speaker 2:The last and final oracle here butterflies, the unicorn oracles calling and messages from the spiritual guides for the week ahead, calling messages from the spiritual guides for the week ahead. We have two oracles that are showing their face here. We have innocence. It says take time to play, nurture your inner child, live with a childlike sense of wonder. Yeah, it's important to play, especially as there's this new energy and you have a new tool here of being able to connect with your body, opening that light, opening that crown chakra to allow in that healing energy for the collective. Carry that with you, that innocence in play, bring that to others as you carry through your journey here, butterflies. And then we also have your partnership with these two unicorns side by side.
Speaker 2:It says teamwork will give you a better result. We saw that within your work and business endeavors with the three of coins. Teamwork will give you a better result. Find trustworthy people to partner with, build up a talented support team. So be mindful of those that you're connecting with right now, butterflies. It's beautiful, beautiful energy to be able to take some of that load off yourself and allow true partnership and step into true connection with others so that you're not doing it alone With that.
Speaker 2:Butterflies. That is all I'm being called to read at this time. I want to thank you all, so, so much for those of you that popped in during this first Monique's Tarot Live. I do think I will do more of these. I really like this and, again, this will be uploaded to the podcast as well, so for those of you that were unable to catch it in the moment, it will be recorded and uploaded. But I want to thank you all so so much for adding your prayer to the space. We need more prayer at this time and, regardless of spiritual practice, it is something that calls you into connection with unity and calls you into connection with the collective. Thank you all, so so much, butterflies, and until next time speak soon. Bye.