Monique's Tarot Podcast

New Moon in Cancer ♋️ ✨️ 🌕

Monique's Tarot 🦋 Season 4 Episode 6

Send Monique a Message

How can the transformative energy of the new moon in Cancer guide you toward deeper emotional clarity and community connection? Discover the powerful influence of Cancer and the nurturing qualities of this water sign as we celebrate two impactful years of Monique's Tarot. 

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Monique is a lifetime vivid lucid dream who has embraced the self-recognition of her spiritual awakening, spiritual expansion, and metaphysical connections. Through the calling and discovery of unlocking hidden spiritual gifts within her family history, she seeks to support others in their spiritual connection, self-awareness, and shared purpose in this lifetime.

Monique's Tarot 🦋

Speaker 1:

Hello, butterflies, hello, hello. Welcome to Monique's Tarot. How are you, butterflies? I hope all is going well on your end, as we welcome in these messages for the new moon in Cancer. To get things started here, let's just burn a bit of Palo Santo welcoming in those messages from the spiritual guides and also clearing out that energy that no longer serves us. As always, butterflies, it is such an honor to bring these messages to you all each and every week.

Speaker 1:

Monique's Tarot has crossed that two-year mark, which is so exciting and there's so many changes that come with that. I've really been loving focusing on the moon readings and also I want to start to just talk to you all more directly, especially with the podcast, about those things that you're moving through, about those everyday feelings of encouragement. So I'm going to change the format a bit. I'm going to stay with the moon readings, but I'm also going to do an occasional pop-up meeting, reading, and I will do some just talking to you conversations and I think that's going to really deepen the relationship and allow us to just talk about some things, allow you just to listen in, with some visuals for those of you on YouTube, and also be able to just really connect with your own self in between those moon readings. So I hope you all will continue to connect with me on this journey as the format shifts and changes. But I'm so grateful for two years of Monique's Tarot and again there's so many other announcements that are on the way. But thank you all so much for the journey so far.

Speaker 1:

So let's get into this new moon in Cancer. So Cancer within Tarot is represented by the chariot card and Cancer energy is also. It's ruled by the moon, so that energy of going a bit deeper, going below the surface, and Cancer energy has the self-starting energy. So if you've noticed this season, as we're in this Cancer season, you may feel the urge to start anew, to start fresh, to get things going, not to just sit on the sidelines but to really take action in different ways. And with cancer being a water sign, it rules a lot of our energy, with emotions and relationships, specifically cancer being connected to the fourth house. So that's your ancestral lineage. When you think about the foundation of your personal development, your housing, household, the neighborhood you're in, the community you're in, it's a very communal energy that comes with this new moon and cancer. So think about how you want to be able to bring in more elements of your community and who you want around you and how you'd like to really nurture them. The fourth house also rules stability and those foundations and your basic structures for life, pulling you into some of these instinctual impulses and also just the natural rhythms and habits and patterns. This is a time to really go deep into the unconscious of what's working for you emotionally, what's allowing you to feel stable, what's allowing you to feel like you're well taken care of.

Speaker 1:

That Cancerian energy. With the chariot it also brings forward that charge forward energy, and also cancer is represented by the crab. So you might feel like you're going in between hard exterior but also dealing with the soft emotions and with that there's a little bit of hermiting, just coming into yourself and taking the time to make sure that you know who you are. But again, cancerian energy is coming into the energy of do, do what you need to do, get yourself out there and allow yourself to feel that communal energy as you go throughout your week. Now, the last moon that we had was the full moon in Capricorn, so coming into this new moon in Cancer, we're going from two very kind of self-starting cardinal energies from Capricorn energy being a cardinal sign and also Cancer being a cardinal sign. So you'll find yourself saying you know what? I have a lot of effort that I want to make sure is getting the justice it needs. Or I have a lot of effort that I want to make sure the quality is high. I have a lot of effort that I want to make sure other people are feeling. And cancer allows you to move from that full moon and Capricorn energy into the internal, from the external. That sometimes comes with what people see the vices. The big show comes with what people see the vices, the big show and being able to say you know what, I internally need to work on some things. I internally need to make sure that I'm surrounding myself with people that reflect how I feel.

Speaker 1:

So, with that butterflies, let's get into a reading for this new moon in Cancer, calling and Messages for the New Moon in Cancer, calling and Messages from the Spiritual Guides for the New Moon in Cancer. So we have a beautiful black butterfly, a little bit of a translucent butterfly, and I'm also seeing here that there are these specks of white that are on the butterfly's wings on top of yellow. This is giving a lot of willpower energy with that yellow kind of charge forward, that solar plexus energy that's coming through. But also it seems like there's some things that are not fully being accepted. That's coming through, but also it seems like there's some things that are not fully being accepted. That's coming through here, like with the black.

Speaker 1:

Here it's like maybe there's a mood that some of you have had, that some of you have been moving through, and there's a call here to really understand. What are you not accepting? Because these glimmers of light are showing, through that acceptance, you're able to start to come into the understanding of what is actually meant for you in this moment. And it reads here life is good to me. Life is good to me. There's something about being able to accept the now that can be so powerful, because it's easy to get into that moment of gloom, that moment of darkness where it's just like it's not working out. But the guides are showing that the light is peering through, almost like this butterfly is getting ready to transform from this blackness into this white, red and blue here to really be able to transform into a new state. And when you think about red energy, red is about grounding, white is about renewal and blue is about being able to connect with speaking. So for some of you there may be a need to really speak. What you need right now Call out that manifestation, but make sure you're grounding yourself in it with some good practice. But I am seeing the guides are saying that you need to rely on this willpower, this yellow energy that's coming through. Do some strengthening, perhaps, of that solar plexus to really prepare yourself for what's coming in. Again, this says life is good to me. Yourself for what's coming in. Again, this says life is good to me.

Speaker 1:

And I don't know if any of you have seen the new Inside Out movie. For those of you that are able to watch Inside Out, it's a really cute animated movie about emotions, but it actually has this mantra in there of I am a good person, I am a good person. So remind yourself that life is good to you. Let's bring in another oracle here. Yeah, I'm seeing here earth magic. Yeah, coming back to that grounding energy, it's like there's a call here through this imagery.

Speaker 1:

You have a woman here that has these crystals. She's connecting with the energy to have a higher vibration in her surrounding area. You can see her cat is kind of playing with some of these crystals below. But there's also this energy of using all of the natural herbs around her, and she's doing this by the moon. So, as you're moving through your moon ceremonies for this new moon and cancer, use those elements, allow yourself to come into the fullness of yourself and remember that a new moon is a chance to start anew, to plant new seeds to prepare for that next harvest. And the intention of the new moon it's the first start within your moon cycle. So this is the opportunity to really say where do I want to go over this next month? Where am I looking to really come into myself? So start afresh here with some new grounding with this new moon. Here with some new grounding with this new moon. We're just going to place these to the side. We'll come back to these. Let's bring in your base tarot here.

Speaker 1:

Butterflies Calling and messages from the spiritual guides for the new moon and Cancer. Calling and messages from the spiritual guides for the new moon and cancer. Calling and messages from the spiritual guides for the new moon and cancer. I'm getting this energy of handle it that's coming out. I'm hearing this energy of handle it that's coming out. I'm hearing this energy of handle it. Okay, butterflies within your elevation of spirit. Here I'm seeing the magician Within your Elevation of Spirit. Here I'm seeing the Magician Within your Healing Realm. I'm seeing Balance. I'm seeing Strength reversed within Work and Business Endeavors, the Five of Cups upright within Personal Life, and then also the Nine of Swords reversed within Unexpected Surprises. So there's a lot of good alchemy around you, all butterflies.

Speaker 1:

As you're moving into this next level with this new moon, remember that you have the power to make the change. There is a call here to say take action, handle it, make sure it's being done, make sure it's being taken care of with this magician energy energy. This might speak specifically to a Gemini as well, or you might have a Gemini that can support you in this next life, and Geminis are makers of change. So it's all about being able to really come into the energy of do, and also some multitasking might be required here too. But the main thing with this magician energy is to believe that you have the power to do it. So step into this next element and to this next level of your life with courage, with power, with confidence.

Speaker 1:

I am seeing that for some of you to heal during this time, you need to really find some good balance in your life. So, whether that be the way that you're connecting with people, especially with this cancerian energy, maybe you're not spending enough time with your family that's coming out here for some of you or not enough time with your friends. If you find yourself stretching yourself too thin, come back to the intention of setting new seeds and saying I need to do more here with this balance. The guides are really calling the collective with this balance card to think about a lot of that self-control and also to think about what are you compromising? So are you compromising your health for success? If so, that's not balance. Find a way to really move and push through that. I'm also seeing with this new moon and cancer that there's a need to really have greater strength and foundation, especially within your work and business endeavors, for these reversals. I will pull some clarifiers here, but it's important to make sure that you have an understanding of the help you need and the support you need. I can see that for some of you within your work life, you're maybe trying to do a little bit too much on your own and there's a need here, with the communal energy of cancer, to bring in others to allow yourself to get that help that you need so you can regain some of that confidence back, because if your Leo energy is reversed work, it means you're working out of a place of lack. So build in that inner confidence and take some time to come with yourself and understand what you need.

Speaker 1:

I do see in your personal life butterflies that some of you are focusing a lot on a negative. It's time to look at what's good. Right now. Life is good to you. There's an energy that's coming through that some of you may be dealing with patterns of the past where you've moved through the same thing over and over and you're wanting something that's healthier. You're wanting something that you can actually connect with, whether that be emotionally within your relationships, emotionally within your relationships, emotionally within your families, emotionally. You just want to be able to have a better connection with this five of cups energy.

Speaker 1:

I can also see that there are some offers, especially for those of you that are single, that some of you just are not looking at. And maybe if you're in a time of self-reflection, that's fine. If you're in a time where you're ready to get yourself out there, don't focus so much on the negative. It's not that you can't see things for what they are it's so that you can actually bring in more emotion. That's healthy. So the negative, nancy, is kind of coming out here. There's just this energy that some of you might be focused way too much in the lower places of your relationships and it's time to come out of that. I'll get a clarifier to see if there's any lifting energies there. It's time to come out of that. I'll get a clarifier to see if there's any lifting energies there. And then I do see that for some of you, in unexpected surprises, the work you're doing is starting to pay off.

Speaker 1:

So I see that a lot of you have been up at night here with the nine of swords reversed. There's a lot of anxiety with the nine of swords, a lot of kind of staying up at night thinking, maybe up to late in the morning just with your thoughts. Know that you're coming out of that. So the guides see that you've been overthinking, they see that you've been over processing. It's important to take a break and I can see that some of you again, with this balance. You need to have greater balance in your life so that you can really focus on what matters. That's what's coming with this new. You need to have greater balance in your life so that you can really focus on what matters. That's what's coming with this new moon and cancer energy. Set that intention journal to yourself, ask what matters now and what changes are needed to find more balance in your life, and who are the people that you need to surround yourselves with or the conversations that you need to have to get to the places you seek to go that feel supportive. Let's bring in a few clarifying energies Haun and clarifying energies for the new moon and cancer, for work and business endeavors. I do see, though, despite the strength card being reversed, where some of you, your confidence is wavering you're going to have a lot of good support here. It's just about doing the work with this three of cups coming in upright and supporting that energy. You're going to have some good support and work, but just make sure you're allowing that help to come in. The Three of Cups is all about collaboration, working together, going for that bigger goal, so allow yourself to do that Calling and clarifying energy for personal life, for personal life.

Speaker 1:

If some of you are parents, I'm seeing this page of coins, so maybe a young Taurus, virgo or Capricorn is coming in. There's something here about this playful energy of this child that may be affecting the relationship, like the child is the reason. Like there's, I'm getting this energy of a pull, like maybe someone is in a relationship that is no longer together, that's no longer connected and the child is somehow just suffering in it, whether it be the love or emotion. There's something about a young Taurus, virgo or Capricorn child that's coming through here with this page of coins. If you don't have a child, this could be a younger Taurus, virgo or Capricorn, maybe someone that's younger than you that you're dealing with in relationship and you're not maybe getting the emotional maturity that you want. In both of these cases, it's important to look at things for what they are, especially for those of you that maybe go a little bit deeper within those fantasies. See things for what they are and think about what you actually want. Have that conversation and allow yourself to really be open and talk about those needs so that you can have a more supportive relationship, especially for that child. For those of you that have children within that Taurus, virgo, capricorn and for others of you that are in relationships where maybe you're a bit older and the person is younger, or vice versa, what is that emotional maturity that you need to move through and to really get to that next level of balance, calling and clarifying energy.

Speaker 1:

For I am seeing here there are two messages that came out with the nine of swords. There was some past trickery. That is no longer happening. The seven of swords is also reversed with the nine of swords and unexpected surprises. Maybe some cross cross things within communication. Things weren't really clear. People were maybe kind of going after each other. I do see that that's ending, so it's gonna clear things up for you very well and I can also see this is where you're gonna be able to alchemize with the magician, so to see the double messages here of the magician within your elevation of spirit and also the magician within unexpected surprises.

Speaker 1:

With this clearing up of messaging and how people are talking and no longer having that kind of behind the back, I'm also getting like documentation maybe coming through. For some of you Maybe it was like text messages or emails. There's just something here about like messages that's coming out. The seven of swords that's really being cleared up. So sleep well during this period, butterflies, because those things are no longer causing that interference or that static.

Speaker 1:

To close things out here, butterflies, let's bring in a few closing oracles. Remember to ground yourself during this period and remember again your butterfly affirmation said life is good to me. It's important to appreciate the now because there are some glimmers of light that are coming through. But if you're too focused on the negative, then it doesn't allow yourself to really come into the fullness of possibility. It's almost like some of the messages that are coming through for the collective is these mental blocks are actually blocking the opportunities for things to come through Calling and clarifying messages from the spiritual guides.

Speaker 1:

And I did also see a message of loneliness. Like some of you feel like you're alone in this energy and you're not. You're not alone in this energy. Okay, I'm seeing two messages here, butterflies. The first one is companionship. It says when you fully bless and embrace your aloneness, you're ready for the ones who are meant to be with you. May I welcome the solitude, knowing it will open the way for all healthy relationships. Yes, butterflies, messaging is coming through so strong here that companionship it's not just romantic, it's also in your friendships, in your community. Reach out, know that you're not alone in this process.

Speaker 1:

I'm also seeing divine timing that's coming through here. It says the divine will bring things and the timing that we need. Nothing comes before we're prepared, nor leaves too early. May I always trust your perfect and holy timing. And then, at the bottom, here I'm seeing patience. It says if you've tried forever to shift a problem, there's probably something to learn from embracing it. Man, let this be for now. Help me relax and trust every need will be met. Often, change soon follows. It's coming, butterflies, it's happening. Give yourself the time to move through the process. Know that change is coming for you and it's happening when it's supposed to happen.

Speaker 1:

I want to bring in an Oracle of the Muse and also bring in a closing Unicorn Oracle for you all, butterflies. Unicorn oracle for you all. Butterflies. Now, with this oracle of the muse, as you're moving through your meditations for the new moon and cancer, allow it to be a point of focus, something to ground you, something to bring you back to what you, what you need and what's coming through for the collective here is shine and also release. So think about what are those things you want to shine more light on in your life. And you have this visual of the strength card, which we also saw within your work and business endeavors. You have this lion's head that's sitting on this beautiful array of like yellow flowers. You also have this cosmic energy, this cosmic visual behind it, but there's this need to shine the light on what brings you joy and that brings you strength and courage because you feel confident in the things that bring you joy.

Speaker 1:

And then also, here, this call for release. What do you need to release? What are those things here, as you can see here with the animal head that's presented here with the moon what are those things that are no longer serving you, that are maybe dead and they don't have that life anymore? What are those things that you need longer serving you, that are maybe dead and they don't have that life anymore? What are those things that you need to release? Allow that to be removed from you, and you can see that the same sunflower that is in release, it's also in shine. So, as you release things, that allows that fresh, fertile ground to be in place so that you can bloom with more strength. Fertile ground to be in place so that you can bloom with more strength.

Speaker 1:

And then finally, here, butterflies. Let's bring in a closing unicorn oracle. I'm seeing here celebration butterflies. That says a positive outcome is assured. Have a beautiful purple unicorn here, celebration, a positive outcome is assured. Celebrate your success and enjoy your achievements. It's coming. Butterflies, it's on the way. With that, that is all I'm being called to read at this time. I hope you all enjoyed this reading for the new moon and cancer. Again, as we start to mature in our relationship together spiritually, the format for Monique's Tarot is shifting a bit. So next week my plan is just to talk to you all, just to have a talk back. I'll pick a topic of encouragement, a topic to really focus on things that have been on my heart and on my mind, and I'll just talk to you through the podcast and provide some supporting visuals on YouTube. So I hope that you all find spiritual connection in that and share this with your spiritual communities. Until next time, butterflies Speak soon. Bye.

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