Monique's Tarot Podcast
Monique is a mystic, tarot energy reader, and lifetime vivid lucid dreamer who has embraced the self-recognition of her spiritual awakening, spiritual expansion, and metaphysical gifts to help others.
Monique's Tarot Podcast
The Cosmic Wisdom of the Aquarius New Moon
This episode celebrates the new moon in Aquarius as a pivotal moment for personal transformation and renewal. The spiritual guides emphasize the importance of patience, self-discovery, and nurturing relationships, inviting us to embrace change thoughtfully.
• Overview of the new moon's significance
• Understanding Aquarian energy and its connection to optimism
• The pivotal role of imagination and intention in manifesting dreams
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☀️ You are light
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☀️ You are expansive
Monique is a lifetime vivid lucid dream who has embraced the self-recognition of her spiritual awakening, spiritual expansion, and metaphysical connections. Through the calling and discovery of unlocking hidden spiritual gifts within her family history, she seeks to support others in their spiritual connection, self-awareness, and shared purpose in this lifetime.
Monique's Tarot 🦋
Hello, butterflies, hello, hello, welcome to Monique's Tarot. How are you, butterflies? I hope you all are doing well, as we welcome in this energy of the new moon in Aquarius. To get things started here, let's burn a bit of Palo Santo, welcoming in those messages from the spiritual guides and also clearing out that energy that no longer serves us as always. Butterflies, thank you all so much for your likes, subscribes, for connecting with the newsletter at monicasterocom and for all of your subscriptions to the podcast. It has been so fun kicking off season three with you all this way, and we are at the end of January and let's talk about the energy of this new moon in Aquarius.
Speaker 1:Of course, aquarians are known to bring this quirky energy. Part of that is brought on by the planet of Uranus that rules Aquarius energy and it brings in this energy of looking at our old habits, a little bit of that rebellion and also drastic change and inspiring acts. If you look at tarot, aquarius is tied to the star card, so there's a lot of optimism that comes with Aquarius energy and Aquarius is connected to the 11th house, so there's a lot of friend energy, especially with Aquarius being an air sign, a lot of logic, communication and thinking through your connectedness with the people that are around you, and also in love. There's a lot of good connected energy that comes with a new moon. New moons in themselves are chances to start anew. So think about how you want to kick things off, especially coming into February. How do you want February to look for you? This is a new chance and a new opportunity to really get clear and set on those goals. Also, this is a time, with Aquarius being that determined, being that fixed sign to really say what works for me and what are some of the things that I know I want for my life. Give yourself that opportunity to be in this really good energy, this really connected energy of Aquarius, and allow yourself to be as quirky, communicative and connected as you need to be With that butterflies. Let's get into a reading for the new moon in Aquarius, calling in messages from the spiritual guides for the new moon in Aquarius, calling in messages from the spiritual guides for the new moon and Aquarius Beautiful, purple Aquarian, this amethyst color energy is so beautiful to see blues and purples with that Aquarius energy.
Speaker 1:So here we have this third eye translucent butterfly on the table here you can see it, with the cherry blossoms in the background, a very bold energy, especially as we step deeper into Aquarius season. Here it's bringing in this really nice bold energy, especially as we step deeper into Aquarius season. Here it's bringing in this really nice bold energy here and it reads my patience is being rewarded, my turn will come, my patience is being rewarded, my turn will come. It's like you can see, this butterfly doesn't feel rushed. It's bold, it's beautiful, it's majestic in how it looks, but it doesn't feel rushed. And so, again, for those of you that are feeling like, hmm, will it happen? Yes, your patience is being rewarded, your turn will come. Here. Butterflies, beautiful energy. Let's bring in a few more oracles. Let's bring in some elemental oracles here, calling and messages from the spiritual guides for the new moon and Aquarius. Messages from the spiritual guides for the new moon and Aquarius. So I'm seeing change in wind here, which is very fitting for Aquarian energy. There's a very soft but also strong strength that's coming in here for this new moon.
Speaker 1:You can see here this woman. It's like she has this house behind her, but she's controlling the land. She's controlling everything around it. She's almost like creating her own tornado here with change and wind. There's a dual energy here that the guides are bringing in.
Speaker 1:Some of you might be creating your own tornado and you don't need to um especially with this energy of impatience that's coming through. But it's almost like there's an emotion that's coming through with this woman where it feels as if like she's uh, she's building everything. She has the ability to create a lot of beauty and create a lot of structure, but she has to find that within herself to make that change and if not, then she's creating her own tornado. If that makes sense, butterflies, there is a possibility of high victory here with the number 24. With a lot of responsibility, loyalty coming, celebration that comes with six.
Speaker 1:It's important to remember why you are going after the change you're going after. Is it necessary right now? Are you being impatient, or do you need to maybe wait it out and learn a little bit more? But again, there's just this energy that came through of a woman here, but also just a spiritual body across the collective, creating tornadoes that don't necessarily need to be created Like. Is it really that serious? Is the energy that's coming through here? Is it really that serious? Let's pull in one more Oracle here Calling and messages from the spiritual guides for the new moon and Aquarius Calling and messages from the spiritual guides for the new moon and Aquarius Calling in. Messages from the spiritual gods for the New Moon and Aquarius yes, a lot of blues and purples, wind energy, air sign energy, beautiful energy. I'm seeing here great awakening. You can see that there's a spiritual body in the middle with two totems next to it. You can see that there are three beautiful illuminated stars in the center of a sun, in the center of a circle, and the number here is 11, so very aligned with Aquarian energy. There's an awakening that's happening here.
Speaker 1:There's been a lot of shift that's happened within January, a lot of shift that we are coming through. Definitely, listen back to last week's reading if you haven't. There's a lot of shift that was coming through with that and it reads here it's time to cut through the veil. And it reads here it's time to cut through the veil. Speak your truth to the collective and you shall be seen. The need to really know who you are, to understand who you are, to come into existence with your full spiritual self is what's being called here with the Great Awakening. We can no longer sit in this energy of sleeping. We can no longer sit in this energy of sleeping, we can no longer sit in this energy of not knowing. The Great Awakening is allowing us as a collective to remove the veil, to remove the blindness and to see with full eyes and full spirit. There's a lot of change that comes with that.
Speaker 1:Again, with this energy of this woman here. What is that change? What side of that change are you on? Are you having difficulty with the change? Are you being impatient, or are you rushing things and not fully seeing them for what they are? That energy is loud and clear, but the guides are saying your patience is going to be rewarded. Your time will come. So it's important to know your alignments, know the energy that you are aligned with and what that means, because collectively, we are being called to really speak our truths and understand. So all can be seen. Let's draw on your base.
Speaker 1:Tarot here, butterflies. The new moon in Aquarius is speaking loudly. The new moon in Aquarius is speaking loudly, calling and messages from the spiritual guides for the new moon in Aquarius. Calling and messages from the spiritual guides for the new moon in Aquarius. I'm sorry, Haunted messages from the spiritual guides for the new moon and Aquarius. Okay, so I am seeing here within your elevation of spirit. I see the four of cups. I see the four of pinnacles within your healing. The knight of swords within your work and business endeavors feeling the Knight of Swords within your work and business endeavors. I'm seeing renewal within your personal life and the High Priestess within unexpected surprises, with the Four of Cups energy within your elevation of spirit Butterflies.
Speaker 1:Are you ready for the offer that is being presented to you? Is what's coming through. Are you ready for the offer that is being presented to you? That's what's coming through. Are you ready for this offer? It's like there's an opportunity that is right there. It's right there for you, but you're not seeing it. Like you're not seeing what's happening. It's like you're distracted by things. How can you clear things out so that you're not distracted? No-transcript. The collective butterflies are healing.
Speaker 1:With this Four of Pentacles energy, you're really starting to get balanced about your finances. You're looking at things evenly. You're really starting to trust yourself and you're being also very giving. You're giving back in a really good way to community. So allow yourself to step into this energy of saving, resourcing and using your resources wisely. It's great to see that some of your finances are really on the up and you're managing them better. So some of you are having some great financial healing this week, especially with this new moon in Aquarius. Now for your work and business endeavors.
Speaker 1:I do see here the knight of swords, a very go-getter energy For some of you. You might feel like this new rush of energy. The knight's a very young energy and that's great. Your ideas feel fresh, they feel new. You're driven. Make sure you're looking at things carefully, though You're not getting ahead of yourself, because that night energy is a young energy. It's not a king energy. It's not as experienced as you would like, but it is fresh. So take advantage of that freshness and those energies that some of you will experience in the career. Get some things on paper, jot things down and use this as a time to really plan and think about possibility.
Speaker 1:I am seeing within your personal life. Some of you might be revisiting your goals within your relationships, maybe even thinking about some forgiveness If some of you have been having a tough time within relationships. There's a renewal energy that's coming in here. For those of you outside of your personal romantic relationships within families, there could be renewal. There's an energy here of people coming back together, connecting, being able to really see each other for who they are, and this can be really hard to get to this point. So this is also a time of celebration. Allow yourself to come into that energy of you've done so much good work to get to this point as a family. Allow yourself to fully step into that renewal. And then finally, here with your unexpected surprises, I am seeing the High Priestess. This is a time where you may want to spend some meditation, especially with the new moon bringing in such a magnetic energy. Make sure you're trusting your intuition during this time, you're not questioning yourself. And part of this high priestess energy, it feels very connected to the four of cups. So how are you allowing yourself to fully, fully engulf the energy of trusting yourself, waking up, opening your eyes to what you really need emotionally? That's the energy that's coming through.
Speaker 1:Again, this week brings a lot of great awakening for the collective. Again it says here it's time to cut through the veil. Speak your truth to the collective and you shall be seen. It's important to embrace change by not creating your own tornadoes. You have to be patient butterflies. And across the collective there's a need to understand that this change that's happening. We all have to be present for it and we can't not see it, and there are some across the collective that are choosing not to see it. Again, we can't elevate as a collective if we don't see the truth of what things are, and that's really coming in here loud and clear through this reading.
Speaker 1:Okay, let's bring in one closing oracle here butterflies, a closing unicorn oracle. But actually, before we do that, I want to bring in a heart oracle. It feels like there's a call to open our hearts as we are moving through spiritually change and moving through spiritually removing the veil, removing what we haven't collectively seen, that's always been there. It almost feels like we're starting to get into understanding who we truly are and there's some reckoning with that that spiritually needs to happen, calling in messages from the spiritual guides, heart opening messages for the new moon in Aquarius.
Speaker 1:Okay, you see this woman here Wide eyes, pink face, very translucent, purple, blue light, very Aquarian energy here on her, with the star in her eyes, that third eye chakra. You can see that she just has a very piercing eye, very focused, straightforward face to her, illuminating her hair, and it says here do not discount your imagination, for it's through an inspired thought that something beautiful is created. You will soon be inspired by an inner vision. Your imagination is real. It can and will become your reality if you trust the power of love. The imagination is a magical and creative force full of endless possibility. It's beautiful to see such power that can come through your imagination butterflies. But that's why it's also equally important to really understand what your thoughts are. Are you controlling your destiny through your thoughts? Are you allowing your imagination to actually create possibility or limitation? How are you creating your own change and not creating tornadoes that are harmful to you? And let's bring in a final unicorn oracle here.
Speaker 1:Butterflies Calling in messages from the spiritual guides For the new moon in Aquarius, only one turned over. That's beautiful. Your final unicorn oracle here, butterflies, you have two unicorns that are on top of each other. And it says here Beloved, prepare for your life partner, romance is returning to your relationship. We saw that within renewal, here, butterflies Again, renewal of renewing those relationships, renewing those family bonds here. But it says Beloved, prepare for your life partner Romance is returning to your relationship and believe you are lovable Butterflies. There is so much good possibility that's coming in here.
Speaker 1:This Aquarius new moon is a time of great hope. Aquarius is a star card within the deck. So allow yourself to have that energy and don't discount the possibility of what can happen for you. Butterflies, you are all so capable of bringing in all this joy, all these abundant beautiful things into your life. But again, here it says beloved, prepare for your life partner. Romance is returning to your relationship and believe you are lovable With that, butterflies. That is all I'm being called to read at this time. I'm sending you all off here with some supportive Palo Santo. I want to thank you all so much for connecting with Monique's Tarot. I want to thank you all so much for connecting with Monique's Tarot, visiting moniquesterotcom, listening via the podcast and also YouTube. It is such, such, such an honor to bring these messages to you all and to have your spiritual trust in allowing me to guide you each week Until next time. Butterflies speak soon. Bye.